Howard Garner and His Theory of Multiple Intelligences

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This essay is going to be introducing one of many developmental theorist, Howard Gardner and his theory of multiple intelligences. We will be talking about his background. This essay will explain what his theory was about, and each of Gardner’s seven distinct intelligences. It will also be explaining his significance in changing the way we learn and perceive new ideas. Howard was born on July 11, 1943 in Scranton Pennsylvania. He is the Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Howard has received honorary degrees from twenty-nine colleges and universities. He was selected twice as one of the hundred most influential public intellectuals in the world, by Foreign Policy and Prospect magazines. Howard has twenty-nine books, that are translated into thirty-two different languages. Howard Gardner’s theory has emerged from recent cognitive research, cognitive research meaning by which is the act or mental process of perception, knowing, memory, judgement, reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and a deliberated intention process, and “documents the extent to which student’s possess different kinds of minds and learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways.” Howard Gardner’s seven distinct intelligences that he has identified are Visual-Spatial, Bodily-kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Linguistic, and Logical-Mathematical. If you are someone who is visual-spatial intelligence they are probably sensitive to the relationship between line, color, shape, space, and form, an ability to manipulate and mentally rotate objects, they are very aware of their environments. Also they like to draw, do jigsaw puzzles, daydream, they can be taught through verb... ... middle of paper ... ... His theory made a major difference in the way teachers and professors teach classes, and helped us better detect learning disorders by giving us a better understanding of the brain's cognitive functions. He was a highly educated man with honorary degrees from 29 different colleges and universities. He was a professor for many years at Cambridge University in Massachusetts. Since nineteen ninety five he has focused his career on the good work project. The good work project is a large scale effort to recognize people and institutions that do exceptional work, and to determine how to increase the percentage of good work in our society. Works Cited www.mypersonality www.tecweb

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