How the Catholic Church Survived Two Thousand
On theDay of Pardon in the Year of Jubilee, 2000 years after the birth of JesusChrist, Pope John Paul II and several other high members of the Catholic Churchperformed a prayer of forgiveness and confession, apologizing for all thewrongdoings of the Church. The Pope said later that they had been preparing todo this for several years, but had chosen the year 2000 Further, the Popeactually apologizing for the wrongdoings of the Church poses several questions:“Why did the Pope need to apologize: what ills did the Church, itsofficials and it followers commit that required the Pope to publicly clear hisconscience by apologizing for them? Further, to what extent did the Churchembody both human and divine e! lements in the past, and to what extent does ittoday?” To understand the Catholic Church today it is essential tounderstand the society it was born into and how the culture and politics of thepast 2000 years have shaped the Church and the Bible itself. After oneacknowledges the behavior and dogma that dominated the papacy in theChurch’s history (including the papal infallibility clause stating thatthe Pope being God’s voice on earth, can do no wrong), one can see howrevolutionary these speeches really were.
TheEarly Church
Effectivelyunderstanding the Catholic Church today requires one to unders! tand how theculture and politics of the Roman Empire shaped the structure of the Church andthe Bible itself. Jesus lived in what is modern day Palestine, which was partof the Roman Empire. Judaism and Hellenistic Greek traditions were the dominantreligions of the day. Several sects of Jews existed but although they agreed onthe basic tenets of Judaism —there is only one God, God’s peopleought to follow certain guidelines and God would fulfill his promise—they spent most of their time bickering over how to serve God.
Theearly Church faced several struggles such as maintaining the purity ofChristianity, defining the structure of the Church and surviving the constantattacks on Christians by the Roman Empire. One of the Church’s firststruggles! was to define itself vis-à-vis the Jewish tradition and theRoman World. Both Paul and the Book of Acts reveal questions and issues theearly Church wrestled with. For example: “Should Christianity be its ownreligion or a new sect of Judaism?” “Which books should be includedin the Bible and which were the works of heretics?”
Elected in 1958 as a ‘caretaker Pope’, Pope John XXIII implemented the greatest reforms in the Church’s history. His involvement within the Church had played a significant contribution to the reforming of social, political and liturgical Christian traditions. During the early twentieth century, the Catholic Church still held the century old conservative beliefs and traditions as they continued to separate the Church from the secular world, therefore, disadvantaging the Church to a world that was modernising. In addition to this, the Church restricted modernist thoughts due to the belief that new theologies would threaten the power and authority of the Church, but ...
The book of Acts is known as 'the birth of the church'. Acts recounts the story of
Lupus is known as “the cruel mystery” in the world of disease/medicine. 1.5 million Americans are currently diagnosed with Lupus, with the number possibly being a lot higher since it is one of the most difficult diseases to diagnose in the WORLD (5 Million some form of Lupus)
Before the printing press was invented, books and Bibles were very rare, and people thought that the Roman Catholic Church held the final authority concerning religion and God. The Catholic Church not only possessed...
Every individual with lupus has distinctive side effects that can run from gentle to extreme and may go back and forth over the long haul. New symptoms may keep on manifesting years after the initial detection, and distinctive indications can happen at diverse times. In some individuals with lupus the skin or joints are influenced. Other individuals experience indications in numerous parts of their body. Exactly how fully a person’s body is influenced by Lupus changes from individual to individual. (, 2014)
Alcohol is a major factor commonly involved in many types of incidents which negatively affects the community. “In New York State, for example, the New York State Council on Alcoholism estimates that alcoholism accounts for 35 percent of all hospitalizations; 50 percent of all rapes; homicides; and fatal car crashes; 85 percent of deaths by fire; 68 percent of deaths by drowning; 25 percent of suicides; and 40 percent of family court actions (Diamond 58). If the problem of alcoholism is resolved, then the occurrence of these types of incidents will be greatly reduced which will be very beneficial to the
Alcoholism is a disease in which a person has an overwhelming desire to drink alcoholic beverages. A person who has this desire is called an alcoholic because he/she feels forced to drink. Alcoholism is considered one of the most serious problems in the world. Alcohol creates many problems in our society and people's personal lives. A large number of people in the world die from different diseases caused by alcohol. According to the Maclean's magazine, " In 1993, 3,062 people died from diseases directly related to alcohol consumption such as cirrhosis. Alcohol was also involved in almost 16,000 other deaths in fires, motor vehicle accidents, acts of violence and other incidents." (37) Many people think that alcoholism in an incurable disease, but they are wrong. An alcoholic can be treated in many ways, but of course, he/she has to recognize that he/she is an alcoholic and wish to be cured. Some ways of treatment, such as Alcoholics Anonymous(AA) and psychotherapy are possible solutions of alcoholism. Also government should take some acts to solve this problem.
Water is one of the most important things in this universe. It is used in everyday life, and without it, there would be no life on this planet. But, to be able to use the water efficiently, it needs to be clean and unpolluted. One woman realized that all across America people needed something to purify their water with. So, she and her husband set out on a mission to create a chemical company for water analyzation. Her name was Katherine Hach Darrow.
Church History in Plain Language is written by Bruce L. Shelley. This work focuses on the history of Christianity from 6 B.C. to the current period. It covers some of Christianity’s greatest events, theologians, and the various subsection of Christianity. Other than the events leading up to the death of Jesus, I had very little knowledge of Christianity’s history. After reading through the book, I have gained understanding on the Christian Councils, scholasticism, Christendom, and modern trends of Christianity.
To answer the question stated earlier, adolescent schizophrenia is an interesting and puzzling disorder where the brain becomes severely immobilized. There are 4 main types of schizophrenia all based on age. Very early onset schizophrenia, VEOS, occurs before the child’s 13th birthday. Early onset schizophrenia, EOS, will be seen before the 18th birthday. Childhood onset schizophrenia, COS, which occurs at the pre-pubertal stage, in relation to the chronological age of the child, will be shown when the child is 12 years old or younger. Finally adolescent-onset schizophrenia is shown between the ages of 13 and 17. Some of the main reasons for this disorder are neurobiological and neurophysiological difficulties and genetic problems. The problematic part of the genes happen on chromosomes 6, 8,10,13,18 and 22. With neurobiological problems, some symptoms would be reduced cerebral volume, changes in serotonergic and noradrenergic systems. Neurophysiological aspects consist of a lowered IQ, reduced language perception, poor speech production and formal thought disorders. Many other problems can come with having schizophrenia. Some the main reoccurring problems that are associated with this disorder are hallucinations and delusions, and there is actually a vast difference between the two. Hallucinations can be auditory, gustatory or ...
“But you don't look sick.”. “If you just exercised more you would feel better.” , “It's all in your head.” , “You are just being lazy.”. These phrases are just a hand full of unkind things that people have said to me, simply because they do not understand my disease. Who could blame them? Doctors do not understand it. Researchers do not understand it. My parents do not understand it. My boyfriend does not understand it. Even I cannot understand it. I have Lupus. It is an unresolved disease that millions of people suffer with. Though there are numerous people diagnosed with lupus, there are very few people who know what it is, and how it impacts us from the time we wake up, to when we finally escape our pain with sleep. In this essay, I will explain what we know about lupus, what the symptoms are, and what kind of treatments are accessible for lupus.
The Book of Acts was written to provide a history of the early church. Acts emphasis the importance of the day of Pentecost and being empowered to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ. Acts sheds light on the ministry gift of the Holy Spirit, which empowers, guides, teaches, and serves as our Counselor. When reading the Book of Acts many of the readers will be enlightened and encouraged by the many miracles that were being performed during this time by the disciples Peter, John, and Paul. The Book of Acts emphasizes the importance of obedience to God’s Word and the transformation that occurs as a result of knowing Christ. There are also many references to those that rejected the truth that the disciples preached about in Jesus Christ. Power, greed, and many other vices of the devil or evidenced in the book of Acts. Acts 1:8 serves as a good summary of the Book of Acts. Acts records the apostles being Christ's witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the rest of the surrounding world.
Christianity obtained much growth from the great moral force of its central beliefs and values. Their message was one of salvation through the crucified and risen Lord. "Through this man," said Paul in 13:38, "forgiveness is proclaimed to you." In Peter's speeches, this forgiveness was confined to forgiving the Jews for crucifying Jesus. For Paul it included much more: "You are freed from everything from which you could not be freed by the law of Moses" (13: 39). In other words, the requirements of the law to be circumcised, to sacrifice in the temple, to keep the food laws of the Jewish people did not offer freedom but slavery. But in Christ the person is freed from the false requirements that do not bring life and is ushered into the new life in Christ. Additionally, in a society where many suffered crisis Christians successfully responded to the challenges of social chaos precipitated by poverty, disease, famine, and social chaos and thus singling itself out as the only movement to deal effectively with the large scale social problems of the Roman Empire. The Christian church possessed the organizational structures to carry out its mission along with the reli...
In this paper I will look at the four major leadership styles, their characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and in what situations a particular leadership style is desired. Additionally, I will look at my leadership style and how I acquired this style throughout my career.
The behavior approach refocuses the interest from the traits to the leaders ' behavior. Leaders ' behavior becomes more important than their physical, mental or emotional traits. Ohio State University and the University of Michigan developed the two main studies of this approach in the late 1940s and 1950s. The studies have recognized two main behaviors: people-oriented and production-oriented behavior. According to the leader behavior approach, there are several behaviors that would be invariably effective for leaders, but empirical research does not show a strong relation between task-oriented or person-oriented leader behaviors and leader effectiveness.