How does the language and stage directions of this section reveal the

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How does the language and stage directions of this section reveal the

tensions between the two characters.

How does the language and stage directions of this section reveal the

tensions between the two characters. How far does the section prepare

the audience for what is about to happen?

From the opening stage directions you get a very clear indication of

what Miller is trying to show about Eddie. His flat is described as

clean, sparse and homely. The use of a phone box in the set is

relevant as the audience can expect it to be used in an important way

in the future. After Alfieri’s opening speech there are hints that all

is not right and this leads the audience to think about the future. “A

distant foghorn blows.” This gives a sense of impending disaster as

the foghorn conveys confusion, a foghorn is used when you cannot see

where you are going which is a lot like Eddie in the later stages of

the play. As Alfieri is rounding off the opening speech he states:

“sat there powerless as I, and watched it run its bloody course.” The

audience knows the future will contain blood and tragedy.

Towards Catherine, Eddie is fatherly and protective. When Catherine

first says hello to Eddie the stage direction says that he id pleased

and therefore shy about it. Catherine wants to hear Eddie’s approval

of new skirt as his opinion means a lot to her. He calls her beautiful

and states: if your mother was alive to see you now, she wouldn’t

believe it. This is a relevant statement as he again later refers to

her dead mother. Eddie is worried about the way Catherine walks and

this leads to him saying “you aint all the girls,” he believes she is

his girl. He brings her to tears in this argument and he then states

“I promised your mother on her deathbed,” and “you’re a baby.” He

constantly mentions his duty to her dead mother so she will do as he

says. At this early stage of the play the audience is probably not

aware of the fact Eddie has major feelings for Catherine, yet they are

able to pick up on certain things in the language and stage

directions. The stage directions give a clue to the actor how to

present the lines.

Beatrice and Eddie’s relationship is not one of a happily married

couple. After she hears the news that her cousins have landed she

states: “Im worried about you,” leading the audience to think why this

could be and may be due to problems.

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