How To Write An Analytical Essay On The Crucible

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Theme is a commonly used literary device found in a considerable amount of writing pieces. However, it does not always stand out or is very noticable to readers. The reader may occasionally have to analyse the text or dialogue to detect a theme included by the author. Authors often include theme to help continue or carry on the plot and storyline. Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, uses the themes of how lying for jealousy, love, and reputation have a negative impact on the actions of those in the play. Within the first act of the play, we learn of an affair committed by John Proctor and Abigail Williams. During the time of the affair, John Proctor was in a marriage with Elizabeth Proctor. Once the affair was over, Abigail desired to be with …show more content…

During Elizabeth’s arrest, he was so upset and agitated with the officers that he attempted to fight against her arrest. He yelled at the officers saying “this warrent’s vengeance! I’ll not give my wife to vengeance!” (Miller, 1982, p. 77). Due to his anger, he then snatched the warrant away from the officers and ripped it. However, tearing the warrant did not stop the officers from arresting Elizabeth and taking her away. Once she was arrested, John was completely enraged. He was willing to do anything he could to get revenge on Abigail, even if that meant confessing their affair in court. However, when he confessed to committing adultery, the court refused to believe him. He explained to the court that Elizabeth knew the truth and that she never lies. They then brought her into the courtroom to be questioned. Not wanting to hurt her husband or his reputation, she lied to those in court. He claimed that the reason she lies was because “she only thought to save my name” (Miller, 1982, p. 113). She lied for him because she loved him. She did not want him to get punished for the mistake that he made. Instead, he was arrested and accused of witchcraft for being honest in …show more content…

When in court, the defendant’s only options are to lie and admit to being a witch and live or to tell the truth about being innocent and be put to death. When John was given the choice, he put his name and reputation before his life. In the beginning of his trial, he admitted to his involvement to witchcraft, but the court then wanted him to sign a document and confess. This signed document would then be placed on the front door of the church for everyone to see. He was willing to verbally confess but not confess in writing. While refusing, the court continually tried to persuade John to sign the document. Proctor would just continuously say “you have all witnessed it-it is enough” (Miller, 1982, p. 141). He claimed that he had confessed himself to God and that he verbally confessed his sin in court. John believed that it was unnecessary to sign the document and have it pinned on the church. John Proctor was a man “who chooses an honourable death rather than a murderous perjury” (On, 2005). He did not want to ruin his reputation completely by signing the court document. Because of this, he chose death over lying for his

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