How To Write A Crime Persuasive Essay

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As a teenager walking the streets will I be a suspect like Trayvon martin, Mike Brown, Tony Robinson and Christian Taylor. Four black male that was shot and killed by police officers. Will there ever be a chance where teens can walk down the street without being stop by a police officers. There should be a limit on when they can use there gun and to what point they should use there gun. Now as we all know the story of Trayvon martin and what they said happen but as a teen I feel as though I can walk the street and become a suspect to a police officers I do not think its cause the color of my skin well sometimes, if I feel like my life is a risk and or somebody is following me, yes I am going to fight back but George Zimmerman didn’t have to …show more content…

Police officers should have a mandatory training every 6 months so they can go over what they know because most of the time some officers the first thing they think is my life is at risk so now I have to use my gun and there should be a time where they have different training class for different type of crimes, say if there a crime of robbery they should have a training where they should use there gun to try and stop the person without killing them, even if they have a different class for each crime they will know when to use there gun when and what point of time to pull there gun out now it’s different when there life is at risk I feel like they should use there gun they are at a point where I am going to kill them or they are going to shot

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