How To Throw A Baseball Essay

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How to Throw a Baseball

Throwing a baseball is a lot like throwing any other object. Children grow up throwing things around the house, and it very similar to how you throw a baseball. From a young age, I grew up throwing objects around the house. My father was smart enough to recognize this trend and sign me up for baseball later on when I was much older. To throw a baseball you first need to understand the shape of the object. The baseball has seams around the circumference which are placed around the outer edges of the baseball for added grip. Before we get into the types of pitches and grips, we need to understand the arm and body movement. The movement of your body and arms happens in many steps that follow a fluid form to increase accuracy …show more content…

It is possible to teach yourself how to be patient when you are waiting for someone to finish part of the report, or waiting in line at the grocery store. As you feel your body tense up, and you feel the sudden urge to yell at the person for being slow, relax and be patient. Many of us are impatient at times. We lose control of our patience and it hurts not only us, but the people around us as well. To manage patience, you first need to find the cause or triggers. Stop and think to yourself, what caused this stress and urge to be impatient? Many people also become impatient because of hunger, dehydration, or fatigue. Now, to manage the symptoms of being impatient you need to follow these steps. First, take deep, slow breaths. This will help slow your heart rate and distance yourself from the situation. Next, try and relax your body. Tensing up will only cause more stress and result in being impatient. Try and manage your emotions as well. You can choose to be impatient, or you can make the best of the situation. How you react is entirely up to you and how you manage yourself in a stressful situation. Remind yourself that if you are being impatient, it will not motivate others to move faster. It can be a distraction to many, and cause a slower rate of return when doing anything that involves focus. I used to be impatient during reports or group work because I wanted it done a certain way, and in a timely

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