How To Teach Children To Play

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The literature highlights the fact that you learn to play (Brodin, 1999; Malone, Langone, 1999, Stragnitti et al, 2012), and in the case of the child with disabilities this is especially true: “teaching children to play is important because play is flexible and can be used in multiple settings, sets the occasion for having social and communicative interactions with peers, increases the likelihood of learning in natural settings, and may offer a foundation for developing leisure skills” (Barton & Wolery, 2008:109).
The adult’s role in this process is of the utmost importance: parents and educators must learn how to teach them to play (Rubin, 2006; Jones, Reynolds, 2011). They have to learn ways that are not as traditionally available in the …show more content…

Children with disabilities had to learn how they could use the facility even when they had the access. They had little understanding of how to play in this situation and had to learn to build up this understanding. They could not simply imitate the play of other children, which is how most children normally learn how to play, but had to devise new ways of playing. It was important then, that the design of the facility encouraged experiment and alternative uses. To assist this process, the children needed the help and encouragement and often the physical support of adults, in order to learn what capacity they had to use the facility (Ashley, 1999). In many cases the supporting adult, whether parent, carer or playworker also had to learn what play was possible for the individual child and be prepared to make an effort to allow the child to experiment and to facilitate the play, which is often difficult for a parent who has always been so protective. Ashley (op. cit.) makes the important point that because a child needs more time to learn this process the facility has to retain the interest of supporting adults and should provide opportunities for them to relax and develop their own social

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