How To Help Veterans Essay

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Top 10 Ways Anyone Can Do to Help Veterans in Need
JE Jarrett
By JE Jarrett
Dec 25, 2014
As a veteran who is committed to helping other veterans, I am often asked what I do to help veterans, especially those in other countries. It really depends. With 21.6 million veterans in the U.S. alone, veterans have a wide variety of problems. However, it really doesn't matter whether you are in the U.S. or in the country of one of our allies. Many of these problems are the same: homelessness, benefits issues health care, access to jobs and suicide.

Although these problems are complex and seem insurmountable, it doesn't meant that we shouldn't make an effort to solve these problems. Even though we can't help all veterans because some don't want help, it doesn't mean that we shouldn't make an effort to get involved and help those who are struggling.

The number of ways to help veterans is as numerous as veterans. However, these 10 ways that involve very little time, money or effort on your part and yet will reap huge benefits.

1. Inspire

For some veterans, it is as simple as helping them feel better about themselves. Some have been told that they were fighting for oppressive governments and beliefs while others have been spit on or insulted because they were either drafted or chose to fight in what others considered unjust wars. Regardless …show more content…

Thousands of groups on every topic related to veterans are available. Sometimes veterans post their problems on these boards, making it easy to know who needs help so you can reach out to them privately and volunteer to listen. Others may not be able to come out and say exactly what the problem is. These require patience when you reach out to them. If you demonstrate your willingness to listen, some will come to you. Most just need to vent or want you to listen so be careful about giving advice, and don't betray their

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