Water, flood seasons, Ancient Egypt. The Nile was a very important in shaping Ancient Egypt. There would be nothing without the Nile. There wouldn't be people, civilizations, or really anything if the Nile wasn't there. People used the Nile for everything from season to transportation to drinking water. The Nile shaped Ancient Egypt in population distribution, Economics, and Spiritual life. The first way that the Nile shaped Ancient Egypt was through population distribution. According to document A, the map of Ancient Egypt, a lot of people lived among the Nile. But a majority lived by the delta. Living among the Nile and by the delta gave people fresh drinking water, good farmland, and ways of trading and transportation. The Red Land was land desert area that protected …show more content…
the people from invaders. No one lived there. The Nile not only shaped Ancient Egypt by population distribution but also Economics. Secondly, a way that Ancient Egypt shaped Ancient Egypt was through Economics.
In document B, the chart and document C, the illustration, people had seasons based on the Nile and farming. In document B it states, “ Crops in the lower Nile harvested and sent to market.” So therefore, without the Nile crops wouldn't grow. Also, people used the Nile for transportation. They had a flood season, a growing season, and a harvest season. If the Nile flooded more than 30 feet, it would flood the villages and if it flooded under 25 feet then it wouldn't be enough water. They transported food, tombs, and obelisks on large barges. Not only did the Nile shape Ancient Egypt through economics but also spiritual life. Finally, the last ways that the Nile shaped Ancient Egypt was through Spiritual Life. In document D, the illustration and document E, the song, they had a religious song for the Nile and they painted pictures and hieroglyphics on the tombs. They worshiped gods and Ra was one of them. People based everything on the Nile and if there was no Nile River then there wouldn't be a civilization in Egypt. The Nile was very important. Indeed, spiritual life was an important part in shaping Ancient
Egypt. In conclusion, the Nile River was a very important part of Ancient Egypt. There would be nothing without it. People use the Nile for transportation, seasons, fresh water, etc. If the Nile got polluted and gross then it would become useless. You wouldn't be able to drink the water or sail boats in it. In the future, people can take care of the Nile so it can continue being used for what it was originally used for. The Nile River helped shape Ancient Egypt through population distribution, economics, and spiritual life.
Conscious of the geographical region, Egyptians settled around the Nile, as the Nile provided substance (agriculture, irrigation, trading routes, etc.). The Egyptians noticed that the Nile would flood regularly, and exploited this natural flooding by building an irrigation system to support their agriculture, as well as their society. “Hymn to the Nile” depicts this prosperous age of agriculture, “Lord of the fish, during the inundation, no bird alights on the crops. You create the grain, you bring forth the barley, assuring perpetuity to the temples.” ("Ancient History Sourcebook: Hymn to the Nile, c. 2100 BCE."). However, the Nile might have contributed to the eventual collapse of ancient Old Kingdom Egyptian civilization. The Nile partially destroyed the society that it had once nurtured. A series of low or high floods over the course of a few years immensely impacted their agriculture, which in turn created epidemics of famine and civil unrest. The Egyptian civilization eventually prospered once more, only centuries later and with new social
Was it a gift or a curse? The Nile is the world's longest river at 4,160 miles. Of that total, approximately 660 to 700 miles of the Nile are actually in Egypt. It is one of the four most important river civilizations in the world. Land in Egypt was called Black Land (representing life) and Red Land (representing danger). For Egyptians, the Nile meant the difference between life and death. Today, we know that the Nile influenced ancient Egypt in many areas of life such as providing food, shelter and faith to the people. Specific areas dealing with settlement location, agricultural cycle, jobs, trade, transportation and spiritual beliefs will prove the case.
During its years of development, specifically around in 3500, the ancient land of Egypt was located close to multiple continents, these continents being Europe, Asia, and Africa. It was separated into different divisions, mainly geographical, there being four major physical geographic sections. The first was water-based, the Nile Valley and Delta, the second two were deserts, Eastern Desert and Western Desert, and the last was the Sinai Peninsula. The ancient Egyptians also considered their land to be separated in two more divisions: “red land” and “black land”. The desert surrounding Egypt was the “red land” section because it was barren. The area served as a means of protection, as it divided Egypt from enemies that wanted to attack and ...
One of the ways that the Nile shaped Egypt was through economy. According to document A, the Nile’s location was perfect for trade and interaction with other nearby ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia and the Indus
Due to Egyptian's fortunate geographical area, they had positive and optimistic toward life and viewed gods as their protectors. The predictable flooding helped the Egyptians avoid catastrophic events and allowed them to have successful agriculture. “Hymn to the Nile” reflects the...
"All of Egypt is the gift of the Nile." It was the Greek historian Herodotus who made that observation. The remarkable benefits of the Nile are clear to everyone, but through history he was the first to talk about it and consider its fascination. Through history, the Nile played a major role in the building of civilizations. The first civilizations to appear in history started on a river valley or in a place where resources are numerous and example of these are in India where Indus river is found and Tigris where Euphrates is found and many other places (cradles of civilization).
drinking water. As you can see the Egyptians needed water to survive…How Did the Nile Shape
One area shaped by the Nile was a source of drinking water. The Egyptians needed water to survive like anyone else. When they found the Nile they had a clean water source. The Egyptians used the Nile to gather water for the civilization. The reason the Nile’s effect on drinking water was significant was because without water to drink
One aspect of Ancient Egypt that the Nile river has affected was the circumstance of Egypt's economy. The Nile river is used
The gift of the Nile was when the Nile river would flood into Egypt which would renew the soil and make the ground farmable. This contributed to the Nile river civilization because it allowed those people who lived by the Nile to farm and keep a steady source of food. This is how Egypt was able to form one of the First Nations in
The Nile, which was so fundamental to the country's life, was surprisingly unimportant in religion (Baines 7). The Old Kingdom was based fundamentally on nature. The economic dependence was based on the Nile. The Old Kingdom prayed continuously on the floodwaters of the Nile, and even created they’re on gods. The Nile River led the Old Kingdom to view cycles of death, birth and re-birth. The Nile was a symbol of life and afterlife. All tombs and any other special monuments are located on the West Bank of the Nile, because the west symbolizes death. This influenced the way Egypt worshiped and created one of the many cultures to believe in an afterlife. They prepared the dead based on rituals practiced by the Old Kingdom and they built monuments to bury their rulers and royal family. And left items for the dead o use on their journey to the afterlife. There was a God of the Nile called Hapy, who brought fertility, water, and was an essential image to abundance. Another God of the Nile was Osiris, he was the ruler of the Netherworld. Osiris became the god of the afterlife, an important figure in the Old Kingdom. Although the Old Kingdom did not dedicate a lot of their time to the worship the Nile, it is responsible for the religious artifacts that were left behind. The Nile River helped in the invention of papyrus a form of paper, used to record Egyptian writing. Due to the success of cultivating the Nile, Egypt increased in population they developed a form of writing called hieroglyphics. They used papyrus made from the reeds located right near the Nile River to make paper to write their stories on. The river provided food and provided the water for farming. The Nile was a huge part in transportation process for the Old Kingdom and allowed trade between different
The Nile River is arguably one of the most important water sources in the world and has an extremely rich history dating back thousands of years. Without the Nile, the ancient Egyptian civilization would have never existed. Egypt is basically a whole lot of sand and not much else, except they have the Nile River flowing through it, on it’s way to the Mediterranean Sea. The ancient Egyptians lived along the Nile River and it provided them with abundant water, food (fish) and the opportunity to develop agriculture along it’s banks. The Nile River was also used for transportation and trade with other regions because land travel was more difficult than floating on the river.
...el. This caused the building of boats from resources found along the rivers edge. This made travel easier for the Egyptians and opened up more trade with other civilizations. From all these gifts, the ancient Egyptians created a god for the river. So not only did the Nile River provide the resources to sustain life but it also provided a religious belief system. This gave the Egyptians something to believe in and work towards in their life. The Nile River is the reason ancient Egyptians survived. It provided everything for the families within the community. The river is the only way large civilizations could survive the dry desert climate. Without the Nile, Egypt would be a barren desert with little civilization. There development of Egypt would have been much smaller if the Nile did not exist. This shows just how significant the Nile River was to ancient Egyptians.
Egypt is known as the gift of the Nile, but why well that is what this paper is all about. For starters Egypt would not be the place it is today without the Nile it would be reduced to a dry uninhabitable desert. The Nile provides water to the entire land and as we all know water is a necessity for all life to exist. Another thing that the Nile supplies is silt, this silt is full of nutrients that makes farming not only possible but actually a lot easier than it is here in the states . The Nile also makes trade with nearby cities and towns possible so supplies are never short.
The flooding surges of the land, and leaves behind water for the people, and fertile land, which can be used for agriculture. The impact the Nile has on Egypt during the ancient times and present are consierably apparent. The influence the Nile has is so extensive, that even the speech is transposed. For example, "To go north" in the Egyption language is the same as, "to go down stream"; "to go south" the same as "to go upstream." Also, the term for a "foreign country" in Egypt would be used as "highland" or "desert", because the only mountains or deserts would be far away, and foreign to them. The Nile certainly had an exceptional influence on Egypts, both lifestyle and thinking.The Nile also forced a change on the political system and ruling in Egypt.