Ancient Egypt - Land of the River
"All of Egypt is the gift of the Nile." It was the Greek historian Herodotus who made that observation. The remarkable benefits of the Nile are clear to everyone, but through history he was the first to talk about it and consider its fascination. Through history, the Nile played a major role in the building of civilizations. The first civilizations to appear in history started on a river valley or in a place where resources are numerous and example of these are in India where Indus river is found and Tigris where Euphrates is found and many other places (cradles of civilization).
The Nile is the longest river in the world, cuts a swath of green and life through the bareness of the giant Sahara desert in northern Africa. It is almost 4160 miles long from its remotest head stream, the Lavironza river in Burundi, in central Africa to its delta on the Mediterranean sea north east of Egypt. The river flows northward and drain 1100100 square miles, about tenth the size of Africa, passing through ten African countries. It has many tributaries but there are two main ones: the White Nile fed by lake Victoria and the Blue Nile coming from Ethiopian mountains. These two main branches join near Khartoum, the capital of Sudan and they continue together as Nile proper until meeting the Mediterranean Sea and forming the Nile delta in northern Egypt.
Around 5000 BC, one of the first great civilizations developed in the northern Nile river valley dependent on agriculture in a land called Egypt. Water; Fertile soil; and river's flow north while prevailing wind blows south made the Nile the best transportation way, were examples of the Nile gifts. Another gift is that every year the flood came bringing disaster and famine due to destroying the crops and their villages. The first forms of government appeared in Egypt when the Egyptians organized their efforts under one leadership to avoid the disasters of the yearly flood.
On the other hand Nile flooding caused some problems in landmarks. Simple geometry had to be found to keep the boarder and a simple system metric (invention of the nilometer) to study the Nile flow and flood every year. As the state grew and more complex religious and political systems started to emerge, the need for a system to record events and rituals was growing too.
Conscious of the geographical region, Egyptians settled around the Nile, as the Nile provided substance (agriculture, irrigation, trading routes, etc.). The Egyptians noticed that the Nile would flood regularly, and exploited this natural flooding by building an irrigation system to support their agriculture, as well as their society. “Hymn to the Nile” depicts this prosperous age of agriculture, “Lord of the fish, during the inundation, no bird alights on the crops. You create the grain, you bring forth the barley, assuring perpetuity to the temples.” ("Ancient History Sourcebook: Hymn to the Nile, c. 2100 BCE."). However, the Nile might have contributed to the eventual collapse of ancient Old Kingdom Egyptian civilization. The Nile partially destroyed the society that it had once nurtured. A series of low or high floods over the course of a few years immensely impacted their agriculture, which in turn created epidemics of famine and civil unrest. The Egyptian civilization eventually prospered once more, only centuries later and with new social
Do you know the name of the mighty, 4,160-mile-long river that runs through eastern Africa? If you guessed the Nile, then yes, you are correct. But other than setting the record of being the longest natural river in the world, the Nile has been of great importance to the people of Ancient Egypt. In fact, without the Nile River, Ancient Egypt as we know it today would never have existed! Therefore, the Nile River shaped life in Ancient Egypt through economy, religion, and government.
The seven-paged college journal entitles “Can Paraphrasing Practice Help Students Define Plagiarism?” by Barry explain about the study of students understanding towards plagiarism through paraphrasing. Researchers ask for students, in a written form, to explain the definition of plagiarism in a set of time before and after paraphrasing practice. The main focus of the researcher and many instructors are concerned about is why students cannot avoid plagiarism. Several studies have proved that the lack of students’ knowledge about plagiarism led the students plagiarize something as depicted in some other researches findings.
Plagiarism is a serious academic or professional offense that could, unfortunately, ruin one’s academic and professional success. A multitude of people within a student body may not understand the importance of plagiarism and the seriousness of this offense in one’s academic or professional life. As indicated by the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, the definition of “plagiarize”, is “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own”, the definition also states to “use (another's production) without crediting the source” (“Plagiarizing”). There are several different types of plagiarism; however, each type is very serious. The Turnitin Plagiarism Spectrum is a beneficial website that explains ten different types of plagiarism
The Nile greatly impacted Ancient Egypt and its civilization. The Nile was surrounded by deserts which helped keep Ancient Egyptians safe from outside invasions. They had flood seasons which provided them with food. Lastly, they had the river, which served as a means of transportation for them. The geography and seasons of the Nile influenced Ancient Egypt, and without these three key factors, or with different ones, Ancient Egypt and its civiliazation would have been very different than it is.
The development of cities is essential in the development of a civilization. Egypt’s cities began close to the Nile River. The Nile ran directly through the land and was the main attraction to settlers. It flooded every year, and in doing so, it fertilized the ground and allowed the growth
In today’s academic world many students are challenged when it comes to writing, or so they think. Many of them believe that they can go on the internet and use whatever is needed for the paper they are writing. Maybe it is a lack of knowledge or confidence that they are capable of expressing themselves on paper. The majority of the time many students procrastinate until the last minute to write a paper. There are few thing students need to learn about plagiarism such as what is plagiarism, how to cite sources correctly, methods of detecting plagiarism, and what academic punishment they face when caught.
There is much-heated debate on the issues of Social Security today. The Social Security system is the largest government program of income distribution in the United States. People are concerned that they won't see a dime of what they worked so hard to contribute into the Social Security system for so many years. Social Security provides benefits to about forty-three million Americans. Not only to retired workers, but also to their spouses and dependents of the workers who die prematurely. It also provides benefits to disabled workers and their dependents. Social Security appears to most people like a simple retirement saving’s account. After all, you generally contribute through payroll deductions, then get money back after you retire. Nonetheless, Social Security is a complex and intricate communal program. By design, Social Security involves massive subsidies from the next generation of retirees to the present, from single workers to married couples. Now that the gigantic post World War II baby boomers generation approaches retirement age, there is concern about the consequences it will have on Social Security. There are basically three options, we can do nothing and allow Social Security to run it’s course, revise Social Security, or consider privatization of the system.
Essentially, there are three typical characteristics of mythology. Classic myths often include gods or supernatural heroes, are “closely linked to religion,” and “generally take place in a primordial age, when the world had not yet achieved its current form” (“Mythology” Wikipedia). Furthermore, myths provide an explanation for the existence of life and how the world came to be.
Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s words as your own without citing or giving credit to the author. Plagiarism can come in many forms and it could be as simple as not citing a document or phrase correctly. Plagiarism is wrong because it is a form of cheating and your are essentially stealing someone else’s thoughts, ideas, or words and presenting them as if they were your own. Not giving credit to an author or the original writer is not only ethically wrong, but it also violates the copyright protection laws in the United States. Plagiarism is a serious issue and it can even result in someone being expelled from college. So it is extremely important to acknowledge that you may be plagiarizing something if you are not citing it correctly. Plagiarism is not only wrong because you’re stealing someone else’s words, but it is also a sign of disrespect to your professor and school.
In order to properly learn more about plagiarism, it is important to appreciate the process of distribution and creation of ideas in the university. All knowledge is developed from preceding knowledge. As we read, revise, execute, research, and collect perspectives, we are building on other people’s thoughts. While drawing on other peoples thoughts and ideas, we manage to develop our own. In this base therefore, students should not shy away from using the work of others. Instead, they should learn how to avoid plagiarism.
Approximately 5500 years ago four of the worlds' most prestigious ancient river civilizations had emerged. Our world has been left in astonishment and awe wondering how these civilizations were developed. Egypt and Mesopotamia were the first ancient river civilizations to create cities and their own ways of living. Society, geography, and religion played an enormous role in the development of the ancient cities. Although there is evidence of early Sumerian contact with the Egyptians, Egypt's civilization was largely self-generated and its history and cultural patterns differed from Mesopotamia.
According to Nels Griffin, the pandemic of plagiarism is a hoax. He asserts in his paper that nearly every thought at this point is unoriginal; he goes so far as to say that, in part, all new thought is the derivative of the work of another mind. (Griffin, 2009) Some credence can be made for this argument in that most academic work rests on the shoulders of giants. The author, however, fails to really understand the purpose of citation. A citation is the method by which an author attributes credit and then bui...
The 2004 Report of the Social Security Trustees is in; but the jury is still out ýarguing the findings of the report. Agree or not, the masses have a good idea of ýthe final ruling and they all agree that the current state of the social security ýsystem has suffered, for a very long time, from an ongoing deficit problem that ýwill continue to grow unless immediate steps are taken to address the problem. ýPeople, on both sides of the fence, argue in support or against the president’s ýproposed plan to save the Social Security system. Yet, they all concede and ýacknowledge that in reality a problem does exist; and unless calculated ýmeasures are taken, this problem cannot be controlled and will snow ball the ýSocial Security System into bankruptcy.ý
The Nile, is the longest river in the world, and is located in northeastern Africa. Its principal source is Lake Victoria, in east central Africa. The Nile flows north through Uganda, Sudan, and Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea, with a total distance of 5584 km. From its remotest headstream in Burundi, the river is 6671 km long. The river basin covers an area of more than 3,349,000 sq km. Not only is the Nile considered a wonder by Herodotus, but by people all over the world, due to its impotance to the growth of a civilization.The first great African civilization developed in the northern Nile Valley in about 5000 BC.