How Successful Was Reconstruction Dbq

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Reconstruction DBQ The American Reconstruction was the time for Reconstruction after the American Civil War. Lasting from 1865-1877, the period allowed newly freedmen rights. Specifically in the Southern States of America, the Radical Republicans' three newly implemented amendments with Black Rights in mind gave African Americans early rights. The Freedmen's Bureau allowed African Americans to gain food, amongst other beneficial things. Early Reconstruction was overall great for African Americans, despite the discrimination they faced. But, most know that good beginnings do not matter if they end with bad endings. That is precisely what happened during the American Reconstruction. Despite early successes, Reconstruction was ultimately unsuccessful …show more content…

But, if an African American were to circle the number 1 in front of the question, he would most likely be forced to explain his reasoning. Keep in mind that there are around six questions per test. Never mind that the poll tax was a tax an African American had to pay to vote. The poll tax was for everyone, not just African Americans, but because of the Grandfather Clause, (anyone whose grandfather could vote could automatically vote) White males never had to pay. Even after all that,. If the African Americans paid and passed the test, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) would get them. Document I introduce the KKK. The image in Document I was of members surrounding a shield where African Americans sat scared with a hung black man behind them and a burned-down school. The KKK would threaten anyone with the want to help African Americans. Especially African Americans themselves. These threats are not empty. The KKK would kill anyone who even thought of voting. African Americans technically had the right to vote. But, because of white supremacists, African Americans mostly never would. Reconstruction did not grant African Americans economic equality. The main economic goal of an African American during Reconstruction was to gain

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