How Should I Tarnish Your Reputation?

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Decisions are the foundation of your life. One decision causes a chain reaction that continues throughout your entire life. If you make a bad decision, you could crack or tarnish your reputation. As Ben Franklin said, “Glass, china, and reputation are easily cracked, and never well mended.” Keeping your reputation clean is a very important part of getting to high school, getting a job, and succeeding in the future. If you sully your reputation, it can cost you in the long run.
Looking back on my personal life as a teen, I made some pretty bad decisions that definitely had a negative effect on me as an adult. When I was an about fifteen years old, I ran into some trouble with the police. During the summer between my sophomore and junior year, I was at a high school party with many juniors and seniors. They, being older, were drinking and smoking during the party. Caught up in the moment, I thought to myself, “Should I try this? No one will know. What is the worst that could happen?” I decided to smoke a blunt and drink some beer. Simultaneously, the police came busting through the door. …show more content…

“Should I run? Should I lie?” I thought to myself. I couldn’t move, and I was scared out of mind. I decided to follow a lesson that my parents enforced over and over again since I was a little kid, tell the truth. The police barged into the house, interrogating people and demanding their ID.
When they came to me, the policeman asked me in a stern voice, “Show me your

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