How Should Backpacks Be Allowed In Schools

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Imagine yourself walking down the halls of your current or past high school. Your arms are overflowing with books, a laptop, pencils, items needed for class. Now imagine the same scenario, only with a backpack over your shoulders, casually strolling to class, and ask yourself, which would you prefer? Carrying a backpack to and from class, to most people, is a simple privilege that is overlooked, but to the students of Royalton High School (RHS), this privilege has been taken away. Wearing a backpack is made out by the staff of RHS to be a habit that is not beneficial for organization or space. We, as students, have not been given much reasoning beside these two facts. I believe that the benefits of allowing backpacks in the school setting greatly overpower the …show more content…

It is something that is preached over and over. Teachers base classes and tests off of what they believe will help us as students to learn the ways to succeed in the next level of education. We have a certain class, “Ramp-up,” with the only function of college readiness, but we do not have the privilege to carry a backpack throughout the school. If a person were to walk on to any college campus throughout the country, they would immediately see almost every single student walking to or from class, with a backpack. This is simply described as the norm for these students. It is incredible to me how our high school wants nothing more than for us to succeed, but wants to take away one of the key conveniences that lead to better organization and time management. Not only does it apply to preparation for college, but it applies to being prepared everyday for class in high school as well. Without a backpack, students are much more likely to forget a pencil or any necessity. This only leads to the wasting of precious time used for education. Time management would greatly improve throughout the day with a tool as simple as

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