How People Use Humor

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How do lots of people handle humor? There are people that take humor very seriously and if you make a joke they get offended very easily. In the other hand, there are people that think humor is a constant habit and sometimes it can be taken too far. Many of us use humor to relieve boredom, to gain power and relieve tension?
Humor is a wonderful way to make a person laugh. Some people try to play humor jokes when they fill that they are bored or they fill tension or sometimes even to gain power. These individuals fill that they have to play a humor joke on the nearest person around them aim at amusing the other individual to relieve their purpose. I am sure that they usually play their humor jokes on somebody that they have great confidence in, and that they know that the individual will not get upset with them because they play a joke on them. At the moment of the joke the individual might not find it funny but after a while, once you think about what happened you usually do find it funny and maybe somewhat dumb or foolish. Sometimes the person …show more content…

In this following event, it is important to know how humor relieves tension in the brain. With that in mind Medical Research Richard Restak “claims to the most common explanation for humor—the tension release theory—we experience, for a brief period after hearing a joke or looking at a cartoon, a tension that counterbalances what we assume about the situation being described or illustrated against what the comedian or cartoonist intends to convey”(22). It has also been comprehended that some people process images in a different way. Where one person may only perceive a portion of the humorist joke and another may perceive a whole different understanding of a joke. Laughter also provides a work out for the muscle. A joke can raise our spirits or ease our tension. If we are able to laugh during a stressful situation, we can put psychical distance between ourselves and

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