How Is Sherlock Holmes A Romantic Hero?

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A perfect detective, is there such a thing? Sherlock Holmes is well a known fictional detective to the public, he is most famous for his mastery at using logic adroit observation to solve cases. Sherlock Holmes presents multiple times his talent for noticing tiny details such as in the novels A Study in Scarlet and The Man with the Twisted Lip. In the two criticisms works his cleverness and technique is brought to light. Author Conan Doyle incorporated a lot details to make Holmes seem real. Holmes can be considered a “Romantic Hero” because time after time he risk, his mental sanity, and at times his life. All these qualities that Holmes have makes him seem like anhero from the twentieth century although he was created in the Victorian era. …show more content…

Holmes’s is precise when it comes to physical evidence. Some special methods he has may include latent prints seen as footprints and bicycle tracks to piece together actions at crime scenes, those methods are revealed in “A Study in Scarlet”. For example, “The footprints belong to a certain Jefferson Hope, an American pioneer, who kills two of his fellow citizens in London in what looks like acts of revenge for having killed the woman he loved.” (Pichler, Paragraph 1). Holmes uses his skill of latent print to help him solve the case in A Study in Scarlet these unique techniques he uses to solve cases is what sets him apart from other detectives. Also in A Study in Scarlet revealed that Holmes’s is multilingual because he needs no translation of Roman epigrams since he knows Latin. He is presented as an independent student who studies chemistry in 1881. However his variety of side interests all turn out to be tools for his crime solving. Holmes’s expert set of skills continues to shine through and that is why police depend on him. For instance in the short story “The Man with the Twisted Lip” an unsolvable case laid before Holmes and Watson. The investigation is going good, they have a suspect Hugh Boone. Holmes’s soon find out that High Boone is Neville St. Chair who is undercover pretending to be a beggar to make money. The case first falls in Watson’s lap for the disappearance Neville St. Clair but …show more content…

The both are considered talented amateur detectives, but Sherlock Holmes is considered iconic for his skill set. Although Dupin a great character trait that Holmes doesn’t posse which is looking at people trying to figure out “who they are”. However, Doyle can’t help that his character Holmes is just inferior to Guiterman’s character Dupin, he even states it “That I am guilty because ‘in gratitude Sherlock, the sleuth-hound, with motives ulterior, Sneers at Poe’s Dupin as “very inferior”.’” (To An Undiscerning Critic). In the poem To An Undiscerning Critic Doyle simply states that the character you created does not reflect you, because Holmes discreated Dupin does not mean that Doyle is discreating Guiterman as writer. Sherlock Holmes is just a superior detective compared to Dupin because of his wide range of expertness. For instance, “Holmes’s own ability to see the significance detail is better developed than Dupin’s. It is also placed in the context of a man whose personal habits and mode of living are both regular and chaotic; industrial and artistic.” (Routledge, Paragraph 5). Dupin and Holmes share similar detective characteristics, but Holmes is inferior to Dupin and that is why his popularity grew exceptional compared to Edgar Allen Poe’s character

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