How Is Romeo And Juliet Healthy

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In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet are not in a very healthy relationship. Romeo is 17 years old young boy and Juliet is just 13 years old innocent girl. Romeo and Juliet were not familiar with each other, they just fall in love instantly and get married as soon as they meet without letting their families know. They were always in fear to maintain their relationship secret from their families. Even though people might argue that Romeo and Juliet are in a very healthy relationship because they truly loved each other and would die for each other. In reality they are very immature and emotionally unstable. Romeo believes that he is in love with Rosaline and thinks that he will never love another girl. But he instantly forgets about Rosaline the minute he sees Juliet. Throughout the play, Romeo tends to be very irrational and allows his emotions to overpower him. All these emotional instability makes Romeo and Juliet relationship very unhealthy. …show more content…

As a matter of fact, Romeo and Juliet’s families hate each other and they would never truly be together in front of their families.“ Montague - You villain, Capulet! [Lady Montague tries to restrain him] Don’t hold me back! Let me go!” ( Shakespeare I.i.65.29). This quote explains how Montague (Romeo’s father) is yelling and trying to get in a fight with the Capulet (Juliet’s father). In addition, Romeo and Juliet married without telling anyone except Friar Lawrence. “Come. Come with me, and we’ll get down to business. For, begging your pardons, you can’t be left alone until you have been united in marriage by the Holy

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