How Having A Baby Changed My Life

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It’s early morning, around 9 a.m. and I’m lying in a hospital bed as calm and collected as I can be. It could be because of the drugs that have been shot up in my back a few hours back. Six hours ago I was grunting and moaning from the sharp pain I was feeling in my lower back area, a pain I could no longer bear. “Would you like the epidural shot?” questioned one of the nurses. “Yesss,” I replied. Fast forward to about 9:30 I am fully dilated and ready to push. The delivery itself was quick and easy but also exhausting. After all those hours of labor pain I was finally able to hold my beautiful baby boy in my arms. There are a number of happy moments that many people experience in their life whether it’s graduating from high school, getting …show more content…

Not just any mom but a teen mom. During the day I spend my hours working hard in school and at night i’m working hard on my job. Most people are taught to believe that once you have a baby, especially at my age, you’re life is over. But that’s not entirely true. Yes my life has changed with the birth of my son, I’m not able to hang out and party as late as I want but those things doesn’t define me as a person and they don’t define my childhood. Through all of this my number one supporter would have to be my mom. While I’m at school or at work my mom watches him. Education is so important to my mom that she had took a leave of absence from her job so she can help care for my son. My mom knows exactly how it is to be a teen mom since she was one herself. The birth of her first child had led her to drop out of high school due to the lack of childcare. The lack of holding a high school diploma made it hard for her to get a high paying job. “Maybe I should go to night school,” I suggested to my mother one day. “Oh no. I’m not having you taking the easy way out. You’re going to get the proper education. I want to see you on stage with a diploma in your hand,” my mother replied. She went on to talk about the things she missed out on in high school and I realized how important this truly was to

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