How Great Depression Affected My Life

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I interviewed my grandmother, Faye Gledhill, about her life during and after the Great Depression. She was born in 1930 in Alabama. She lived with her parents and three siblings, two sisters and one brother, in a very small house in a mill town. How old were you when you first knew about the Great Depression? My grandmother was 10 years old when she first knew about it. How did the Great Depression affect your life? Her dad worked in a mill, but he only got to work two days a week so they had very little money. She went to the school owned by the mill her father worked for, so they didn’t have to pay for school. What was your family life like at the time? All the children slept in one room, three girls and one boy. Her mom cooked on a kerosene stove and they had an icebox. Walked two miles to school everyday and had to run home for lunch. …show more content…

They listened to the radio, played ball or checkers. They also played with paper dolls and marbles, or played pick up sticks. They played a lot of Cowboys and Indians and or games they made up. The children also played a game called Root the Peg where they would stick a peg in the ground and you had to get it out with your mouth. My grandmother said that they also had a pocket knife, and they made up challenges you had to do with it. Did your family have to move from one place to another during the Depression? They moved from Alabama to Macon, GA because the mill cut her dad’s hours to only two days a week and they couldn’t live on that alone. He moved them here so he could get a job in Warner Robins. What were some of the typical foods your family ate during the Depression? They ate a lot of biscuits and syrup and beans. Her mother would can everything she could get. They picked blackberries for their mom to can. They also had a persimmon tree in the yard, but they weren’t very good to

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