How Education Impacts your Health
Assessing my community was a class project that revealed the core characteristics of my community. In this paper I will attempt to effectively discuss the results of the questionnaire. I will also attempt to compare my data with the overall class data that’s called the aggregate data. Finally I will explain how one of the variables affects us individually and collectively.
Today there are so many factors that affect the quality of health in our communities. In the project, I will assess the quality of health in my community. Throughout history the church has been a major factor and good starting point when attempting to understand the community. For this project I choose New Hope Baptist Church located at 284 Vine Street in Jackson, Ms pastured by Rev. Dock Cooper III. New Hope is located in area code 39206, and approximately 2 minutes from the Interstate 55, and 10 minutes from downtown Jackson. There are several churches located in this zip code (39206); also Highland Village shopping center is one of the more Up-scale shopping centers in Mississippi. This shopping center has over fifty stores, clothing jewelry, sporting and pharmacy. Schools are also spread out over this area Elementary, junior high and high schools. Jackson Academy is also located in the area, this school is widely known as one of the finest schools in Mississippi. Most of the homes and companies are old and are currently under re-construction. The population in the area is very high comprised of mostly middle-aged and young adults. The Jackson Police Department’s precinct #4 is located west of New Hope Baptist Church. Union Planters bank and Trust mark bank and a branch of the post office located in the center of the community. This community is well known as being in, “The Middle of everything”. And finally this is the community I have lived in the past 8 years.
The title of this class project is, Assessing My Community’s Health. The project was to design a questionnaire using different variables and have 25 church members within my zip code to complete the questionnaire. An example of the questions asked, do you have medical coverage, what is your level of income, do you believe that education affects you health. With the data collected, I will use a meth...
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...ics clearly show the advantages of education in terms of better health. However, one must not overlook the fact that with the gain knowledge individuals tend to make better choices. Behavioral changes are the key to better health!
People with more education have better physical and mental health; also education helps improve the overall quality of people’s lives. By helping people get better jobs, it reduces financial worries. It builds self-esteem, feeling of being in control; it also makes them critically aware of media messages about health. It contributes to health behaviors, such as moderate drinking, anti-smoking, according to the Institute of education at the University of London (Dec. 2004). As stated earlier, education reduces inequalities, creates intolerance, build social cohesion and boost the health of whole communities.
As a result of the research I’ve come to this conclusion regarding “does Education lead to better health?” Education has shown to be a powerful and unique predictor of health outcomes, lower levels of education are associated with poor health and higher levels of education are associated with better health.
A Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) was conducted in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, with the focus on mainly Dekalb and Fulton Counties. The CHNA was conducted to identify the needs and resources in the community with the input from the community members, key stakeholders, and the public health. The CHNA would be used as a guide for the community in its future community health projects.
North Florida has several community organizations that provides a health promoting community service. The community organization I have chosen to discuss is Wolfson Children’s Hospital. I will be discussing the following four topics concerning Wolfson Children’s Hospital; what type of services are offered, what is the cost to the client or family (if any), how is the agency funded and why is the organization important to the community?
Community is like a Venn diagram. It is all about relations between a finite group of people or things. People have their own circles and, sometimes, these circles overlap one another. These interceptions are interests, common attitudes and goals that we share together. These interceptions bond us together as a community, as a Venn diagram. A good community needs good communication where people speak and listen to each other openly and honestly. It needs ti...
An example of a faith based community using the Healthy People 2020 framework is St. John Providence Health System (SJPHS) in Southeast Michigan. Based on the Healthy People 2020, SJPHS focus areas are diabetes prevention, infant mortality reduction, and access to care. St. John is a Catholic Health Ministry and through their Community Health Needs Assessment Steering Committee was able to conduct surveys, interviews, and focus g...
Education is a major factor for the development of an individual and can have a large impact on a person’s health. Education and health are closely linked and can either change a person’s life for the better or worse due to the lack of education or having a sufficient education.
Diagnosing and investigating health problems and health hazards in the community. Informing, educating and empowering the people about health issues. Mobilizing community partnerships to identify and solve health problems. Health assessments also develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts. They also enforce laws and regulations that help protect health and ensure safety (Thivierge, 2016). Assessments link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable. Public health assessments can help to assure the public of the competency of the public health and personal health care workforce. These assessments evaluate effectiveness, accessibility and quality of personal and population-based health services (Thivierge,
A community can be defined as a group of people, who live, learn, work and play in an environment at a given time. (Yiu, 2012, p.213) There are many factors that may influence the community’s development and health status. These can include resources available, accessibility, transportation, safety, community needs etc… These influences may combine together to form community strengths and as well as community challenges or weaknesses. As a community health care nurse, it is significant for us to assess and identify these strengths and challenges within the community in order for us to intervene and provide the appropriate needed health care services for the community members. This individual scholarly paper will explore and focus on one challenge issue identified from our group community assessment.
6) Evaluate how the development of economic, government, health care, and educational institutions can help to improve the health and social welfare of disadvantaged and/or disenfranchised individuals and groups.
A Community can be defined as a group of people who don’t just live in the same area, but also share the same interests, experiences and often concerns about the area in which they live. Often when individuals have lived on a street or in an area for a while they become familiar with each other and the issues surrounding them. Children often attend the same schools and grow up together, again sharing similar experiences. In some instances adults may work together, and quite commonly all community members will share the same doctors, dentists, hospitals, health visitors and other public services and facilities.
The purpose of this community profile is to discuss a particular health improvement issue within a chosen community. A community can be defined using many different terms. You can belong to a community through religious beliefs. Through shared experiences or interests. You can belong to a political community where all involved share the same political interests. A community can also be defined as ‘a family’ a small village where many have lived most of their lives who share the same desire to belong to that community.
In fact, furthering one’s education has a positive influence on society as our country saves money by spending less and increasing tax income. Furthermore, people who have at least a two-year degree tend to make higher wages and have a better job in our struggling economy. For example,
Education is a vital part of society. It serves the beneficial purpose of educating our children and getting them ready to be productive adults in today's society. But, the social institution of education is not without its problems. Continual efforts to modify and improve the system need to be made, if we are to reap the highest benefits that education has to offer to our children and our society as a whole.
Statistics showed that this health problem is one of the top ten leading causes of death in the United States. The second question main goal was to narrow down this very broad topic to a certain population of people, which I decided to choose my age group. The third question gave us the task of addressing factors that can solve this public health issue based on the Social Ecological Model. The Social Ecological Model has several different levels such as interpersonal, community, organizational, and even policy. We need to set up a meeting where we can discuss the findings from researching the problem and to see, if I have what it takes to part of this organization, South Carolina State Health Department
An idea of a healthy community with a safe environment, accessibility to preventive health care services and screenings, education on health promotion that is stress-free and accessible and healthier grocery stores. Characteristics of a healthy community are ideas, activities, and resolutions derived from partnerships of diverse groups, regular self-evaluation that is part of the practice, which is the focus. A diversity of strategies, techniques, documents, and other resources would have to be executed to support and make a healthy community. If an individual 's knowledge of a healthy community is different from his or her belief then community strategy must be put in place in order to begin to achieve the goal of improving health. Community strategy must be supported by the individuals who are working together in order to be successful (Matthew, et al, 2001). In order for a strategy to become effective, a consistent plan should be created with achievable goals within a community. Also individuals that are strong, inspired, and truthful and determined should also carry out the
Health is a vital component in our everyday life. If it is compromised, everything else goes down with it. Health affects an individual drastically; therefore, it is imperative that we take good care of our bodies in order to maintain normal body functions that can help us go through our normal day-to-day lives without fail. There are many factors that can affect health--one of them is Education. Health education feeds emotions that will motivate us to do a better job at being caretakers of ourselves. It can therefore, be said that health education can encourage people to act on their own personal health.