Community profile
Chapter 1- introduction
This profile adheres to the School of Health and Social Care’s guidelines set by Teesside University’s code of conduct in relation to confidentiality and consent. The profile also adheres to the NMC guidelines referring to consent and confidentiality as a real person has not been used; therefore consent did not need to be gained.
The purpose of this community profile is to discuss a particular health improvement issue within a chosen community. A community can be defined using many different terms. You can belong to a community through religious beliefs. Through shared experiences or interests. You can belong to a political community where all involved share the same political interests. A community can also be defined as ‘a family’ a small village where many have lived most of their lives who share the same desire to belong to that community.
As described by Hatwin and Percy-smith a community profile is ‘A comprehensive description of the needs of a population that is defined, or defines itself, as a community, and the resources that exist within the community, carried out with the active involvement of the community itself, for the purpose of developing an action plan or other means of improving the quality of life of the community.’ (Hawtin and Percy-Smith, 2007, p10). A community profile is a useful and effective way of discovering and developing and understanding about a specific geographical area. Community profiles help to improve service provision and make new plans to reduce health inequalities.
The chosen health improvement initiative that is going to be studied within this community profile is reducing the amount of teenage pregna...
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...ovement in school based sex education and youth development programmes with community based sex education programmes, this would ultimately help improve sexual health and family planning services. A programme to help parents talk to their children about sex education was also deemed a high priority on the agenda. ( Services have been implemented following the concerns that were raised in the consultation event. Middlesbrough council offer a teenage pregnancy unit where condoms are given out, contraceptive advice is given, pregnancy tests and sexually transmitted infection tests can also be done here. It is a free drop in service available Monday to Friday between 9-5. Alongside this is a teenage pregnancy team who offer support and guidance to young mothers who find themselves pregnant and need additional support.
Between 1996 and 2006, Canada 's teenage pregnancy rate steadily declined by 37%. However, since 2006, Canada 's teenage pregnancy rate has been on the rise, increasing from 27.9 pregnancies per 1,000 teens, to 28.2. This is of great concern to Canada, for teenage pregnancy has many health, social, and media issues. Therefore, teenage pregnancy in Canada requires a solution, that will prevent such pregnancies, and support the teen parents
Childbirth is biological, psychological, and natural activities by which the human species grow into its family cycle and childbirth also have a sexual tradition. Beyond the emotions and the various phases that it creates, childbirth has specific criteria to be met on both man and woman. Their union must be founded on the reciprocal love, the biological and psychological maturation, and a developed sense of responsibility. Because of this, a pregnancy occurred early in life is becoming a situation full of social, economical and psychological difficulties. The birth’s pain is weighted quickly on the young and premature couple. In the United States, teen’s pregnancies from ages 15 -19 remain one of the highest situations in the modern world. It has had little chance of success because many teens are still becoming parents and this problem is constantly increasing in the Latino/ Hispanic community. Immigration, peer pressures, dropout rate, cultural difference, and economic disadvantages are main reasons behind the majority teen’s pregnancies in this community. After I explain why it’s important to reduce teen’s pregnancy rates, I will suggest some challenging yet feasible solutions to break the cycle of unplanned pregnancies.
Health status of an individual is influenced by the person himself his environment. Community based programs will make health education available outside traditional health care setting which is able to influence various units of the community including an individual , family or the community as a whole. An educational program organized in a community based setting such as school, worksite, health care facilities and the community it...
Inside any type of community there are many indicators of health, but now I am going to focus only in five of them. The proper good health of communities it is a very strong matter for governments and society in general. This indicators are important because gives us objectives, data, and resources to guide us in what are the mains community problems when we talk about health. The five indicators that I am going to discuss are: access to health services, physical activities, nutrition and weight status, sexual transmitted diseases, and immunization and infectious diseases. The government program that control and give us all this information is Healthy People 2020.
The birth rate among teens in the United States has declined 9% from 2009 to 2010, a historic low among all racial and ethnic groups, with the least being born in 2010; and in 2011 the number of babies born to adolescents aged 15-19 years of age was 329,797 (“Birth Rates for U.S.”, 2012). Although the decline in unwanted and unplanned teen births is on the rise the United States continues to be among the highest of industrialized countries facing this problem. This is a prevailing social concern because of the health risks to these young mothers as well as their babies. Teens at higher risk of becoming pregnant are raised at or below the poverty level by single parents; live in environments that cause high levels of stress (i.e., divorce, sexual psychological and physical abuse); are influenced by peers or family members that are sexually active; and lack parental guidance that would direct them to be responsible and self-controlled.
In conclusion, this essay has identified and discussed two approaches in health promotion. It also applied these approaches to a life style problem analysing the stand the health promoter takes in each approach plus the contribution individuals and communities make with emphasis on how much the strategies adopted addresses inequality. The community approach highlighted the importance of collaboration and participation in building capacity in the community while it discussed the need to conduct evaluation in both approaches. Finally policies which relate to the identified life style issue were discussed.
A community can be defined as a group of people, who live, learn, work and play in an environment at a given time. (Yiu, 2012, p.213) There are many factors that may influence the community’s development and health status. These can include resources available, accessibility, transportation, safety, community needs etc… These influences may combine together to form community strengths and as well as community challenges or weaknesses. As a community health care nurse, it is significant for us to assess and identify these strengths and challenges within the community in order for us to intervene and provide the appropriate needed health care services for the community members. This individual scholarly paper will explore and focus on one challenge issue identified from our group community assessment.
Edwards, N. C., Etowa, J., Peterson, W. E., & Kennedy, M. A. (2012). Community health
There is no doubt that while the health care system attempts to meet many of the needs of the community, it cannot plan and implement a health care system which caters for the diverse needs of the wider community without consumer participation. Community participation is crucial in determining equity in a service which is more accessible to those of a higher SES and a higher education. Acknowledging the specialised health care needs of some individuals only becomes possible after consumer participation. Becoming involved and bringing a different perspective can only be a positive contribution to health care.
...on, race, and political belief, economic or social condition. Improving the poor health of disadvantaged individuals and reducing health gaps is important but not enough to level up health through socioeconomic groups. The objective of tackling health inequalities can be changed to local needs and priorities of a community allowing wide-ranging partnerships of support to be organised. However it needs to be made clear that what can be done to help improve the life chances and health prospects of individuals living in poverty may not come close to bringing their health prospects closer to the average of the rest of the population or prevent the gap living on throughout the generations. Being clear about what is trying to be overcome and achieved needs upmost importance in the development and delivery of policies that will promote health equality across the population.
It is a community approach to prevent diseases and illnesses. The social model focus is on policies, education and health promotion and goes beyond the focus of lifestyles and behaviour and accepts the need for social change to provide prerequisites for health. It was developed in the late 1970’s 1980’s as some members of the community were not experiencing the same levels as health as others despite the understanding of the impact of lifestyle and behaviours on
A Community can be defined as a group of people who don’t just live in the same area, but also share the same interests, experiences and often concerns about the area in which they live. Often when individuals have lived on a street or in an area for a while they become familiar with each other and the issues surrounding them. Children often attend the same schools and grow up together, again sharing similar experiences. In some instances adults may work together, and quite commonly all community members will share the same doctors, dentists, hospitals, health visitors and other public services and facilities.
Many younger women make babies every year in UK. In England alone, over 7,000 teenagers under the age of 16 are impregnated every year. Close to half of the teenagers go on to deliver-bouncing babies. Large section of the 7000 teenage girls is of age 15 as many were even younger (ONS, 2008). The research to be undertaking will delve deep into the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy in UK.
This is a community profile that aims to identify a specific health improvement issue within a local geographically determined community. ‘A community profile is an attempt to describe a particular community or neighbourhood. It uses a variety of different techniques to build up a picture of the community from a number of perspectives’ (, 2004) including several components of a community such as its demographic characteristics, patterns and trends i.e. its epidemiology in order to make comparisons between different localities to determine areas needful of specific health improvements with the goal of improving local people’s health and reducing health inequalities. A core definition of community as distinguished by Macqueen and Mclellan et al (2001) is ‘a group of people with diverse characteristics who are linked by social ties, share common perspectives, and engage in joint action in geographical locations or settings’.
A healthy community as termed as a community that is constantly builds and develops both its physical and social environments, aiding and assisting people to support one another in phases of daily life and to progress to their fullest prospect. Healthy community are those designed and built to improve the quality of life for all people who live, work, worship, learn, and play within their restrictions. A healthy community is a place where every person is free to make choices within a variety of