How Does Zora Neale Present Janie And Janie's Relationship

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As Janie recounts her relationships in the past, the one that stands out the most was her first one with Logan. The marriage was Nanny’s idea and Janie went along with it without questioning. Janie thought, “Yes, she would love Logan after they were married. She could see no way for it to come about, but Nanny and the old folks had said it, so it must be so”(21). Janie makes it obvious that she doesn’t think that she will love Logan but still allows Nanny to control her life. Janie agrees to the marriage for the sole reason that Nanny said that it would be good for her. After Janie realizes that the relationship isn’t working out, she gets the courage to run away. In her recount of events, she says “Even if Joe was not there waiting for her, …show more content…

When Janie is in a relationship with Joe, she has a comfortable life with wealth and power. Joe gives her anything he can buy with money and the biggest house in the town. However, Joe wants to be able to control Janie. She follows Joe’s orders, such as putting her hair up and ignoring the conversation on the store porch, even if she disagrees with them. However, near the end of her relationship, she finally bursts out. Janie humiliates Joe in front of a group of men who respected him. She comments on how old and weak he has become, “You big-bellies round here and put out a lot of brag, but ‘tain’t nothin’ to it but yo’ big voice”(79). This bursting out represents Janie’s unwillingness to live under the oppression of Joe. The “brag” that Janie speaks of is his influence over the town over her without actually do the labor himself. This is evident when Joe makes himself mayor of the town and exerts his authority to build most of the town. In addition, the “big voice” is how Joe expresses his authority over Janie. He puts Janie down to elevate himself; For example, he comments on how old Janie is getting when in reality he is even older than Janie. The outburst shows Janie’s discontent with her life with Joe; she is making it clear to everyone in the town and forcing her relationship with Joe to change. She was willing to leave all the wealth and respect that Joe and the town was able to give to her. Later, she

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