How Does Satrapi Write Persepolis

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Comparison of 2 Marjane Satrapi is the author of the book “Persepolis”. She writes about the misconceptions of how Iran is portrayed to the world. People think poorly of Iran because there are many atrocious things going on. Wars and many heinous acts others hear only. Satrapi gives her insight on how Iran was from her perspective. Another literature text is the poem “You Tell Us What To Do”.The author is Faiz Ahmad Faiz. He wrote about how the reader and many other people are in a boat trying to escape from a country. They failed and the reader has to tell them what to do. Then it talks about how the reader and the people saw the wounds of their country on them. They applied medicine on themselves, but it didn’t work. They told the reader …show more content…

Mehri fell in love with the neighbor’s son. One day, the neighbor’s son gave Mehri a letter. She didn’t know how to read and write. She made Marji read it to her and write letters to him. In the end Mehri couldn’t be with him since she was a lower class. According to Marxist Criticism nobody can be with anyone higher than the person’s social class. This shows irony because Mehri got a letter to read, but she didn’t know how to read and write back. Irony is the contrast between what appears to be true and what actually is true. The poem “You Tell Us What To Do” also displays irony. It is stated that the people have injuries, but no medicine can fix it. It is ironic because they have wounds, but the wounds could never heal. The wounds are mental, so physical medicine could never help. Oppression from their government caused them mental scarring for life. Juxtaposition is shown in both “Persepolis” and “You Tell Us What To Do”. Juxtaposition is placing two ideas, characters, or things next to each other to create a comparison. Marjane Satrapi displayed juxtaposition, when writing Marji says that she is religious but also very modern. She compared how Marji felt and how she is now. While in “You Tell Us What To Do”, it used juxtaposition to make a comparison, “how vital were our arms, how ruby our blood”(Faiz 3). It is comparing how their arms were important for the situation, but blood came out of them, since they were

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