How Does Ocd Affect Teenagers

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Depression and other mental disorders affect a teenagers life drastically. Having a mental disorder like depression, anxiety, PTSD, or OCD can greatly affect an adolescents life; OCD and PTSD are two different types of anxiety, there are other types of anxiety that come in certain phobias like social phobia(Social phobia and social anxiety are the same thing just with different names) or agoraphobia. These mental disorders can greatly affect an adolescents life and how they live it. There are many more mental disorders most worst than ocd or anxiety, some not as worse. People who have these mental disorders usually act out different than someone else with the same disorder would, or they might have it worse than someone else in the world. Depression …show more content…

PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder doesn’t just affect people in the army, it can also affect adolescents. The way PTSD can affect adolescents is maybe someone was abused or in a very stressful and traumatic event at some point in their life. PTSD can be triggered by any change or action in someone’s life, it usually affects the mind and relationships with others around you, and can happen at any time. Another mental disorder is OCD OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder is mental disorder that makes a person perform repetitive actions to help with anxiety. While doing these actions over and over again it interferes with a person's daily life, making them unable to do the things because they need their environment to be perfect before doing such activities. Usually OCD can result in control issues with a person’s surrounding environment. With a teen it could be getting perfect grades in school or perfecting something in a sport, it could also be having a set schedule/daily routine and having everything to be done at a specific

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