How Does Napoleon Use Power In Animal Farm

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Power can make someone have control of something. Power can be used for good things. However, it can also be used for terrible things as well. A leader who is in control and has power can use it for good things and help people around them. A leader can also use that power and have power over everything, use it for terrible things and abuse the power they have. These types of leaders are called dictators. In the novel, “Animal Farm” by George Orwell, Napoleon is a dictator with complete power over Animal Farm. He makes the other animals (except the pigs) work hard, uses the power to only benefit himself and the other pigs, and uses his power by being manipulative. First, you can use power to control others to do work but not you. Napoleon makes the other animals work hard but not the pigs. The pigs did not work and only supervise and direct others. In the novel, it states, “Sometimes the work was hard” (23) and “All year the animals worked like slaves.” This shows that Napoleon makes the other animals work hard while him and the pigs don’t work at all. …show more content…

Napoleon uses his power to only benefit himself and the other pigs. One example is that in the last commandment of the seven commandments, it was “All animals are equal” but towards the end of the book, it is changed to “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” (118) This refers to the pigs who are more equal than the other animals. “ day the pigs who were supervising the work of the farm all carried whips in their trotters.” (118.) This shows that Napoleon and the pigs now have more power than the other animals. The animals cannot do anything because they are told to always live by those words. Napoleon used his power and made himself and the pigs have more power than the other animals. He only benefited himself and the

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