How Does Media Affect Women's Beauty Standards

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There is no wrong way to have a body, but because of the media’s standard of beauty, many young girls and women think otherwise. Over eighty percent of women blame mass media’s perception of beauty for making them feel insecure about their bodies (Hitz, 2008). The media constantly advertise tall and thin figured women with flawless skin. Therefore, making tall and thin figured women with flawless skin the beauty standard instead of accepting women of all natures. Young women flip through television channels and pages in magazines and are exposed to only one body type. Media should embrace different body types instead of manipulating women to believe there is only one way to be beautiful. Media’s constant display of the ideal body type has a negative impact on young women. Young women feel pressured to conform to the media’s standard and in the process, young women can mentally and physically harm themselves. At a young age, girls become aware of the media’s body standards for women. …show more content…

Society is influenced by the media and plays another role in why young girls feel pressured to have perfect bodies. More than thirty percent of teenage girls experienced being teased about their weight (Seth, 2016). Teenage girls are more like to develop mental health issues when body shamed by bullies or peers. Depression and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) are the most common mental health issues when teenagers are bullied about their weight. Depression occurs when a teen is emotionally distressed about their body image. Teens who are depressed lose sleep, have a lack of appetite and can develop negative self-talk. Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental disorder characterized by an obsessive preoccupation that one’s own appearance is severely flawed. Teenagers with body dysmorphic may take exceptional measure to hide and fix their body

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