How Does Laertes Present Ophelia's Relationship In Hamlet

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In the Hamlet, Ophelia has an older brother, Laertes who just came back from Paris. He has come to ask permission from King Claudius to return to Paris as his duty in Denmark, which was to attend King Claudius’s coronation, is over. Claudius happily gave him the permission to return and wished him to enjoy his time in Paris. Before departing for Paris, Laertes gave Ophelia advice about Hamlet and their relationship because he loves, cares about, and concerns about his sister. In Polonius's house, Laertes consults Ophelia about her relationship with Hamlet. He counsels her to be wary of getting attached to Hamlet. “Be wary then, best safety lies in fear./ Youth to itself rebels, though none else near” (Shakespeare 16). Laertes is the concern of Ophelia’s feelings when Hamlet breaks her heart. In addition to concerning about her, it shows that Laertes loves and cares towards his sister as a brother by telling her what is right and wrong about falling in love with Hamlet. Furthermore, Laertes tells Ophelia that it is impossible for Hamlet and Ophelia to be together. He also addresses her as “my dear sister” and urges her to distance herself from Hamlet. Laertes says that Hamlet’s attentions for Ophelia only last a minute. …show more content…

He is just a young prince who is seeking fun at the moment. “Perhaps he loves you now./ And now no soil nor cautel doth besmirch/ The virtue of his will, but you must fear” (15). Laertes tells her that Hamlet may love her now, but she has to keep up her guard. “For he himself is subject to his birth./ He may not, as unvalued persons do,/ Carve for himself, for on his choice depends/ The safety and health of this whole state” (15). Hamlet is similar to a slave who cannot make his own choices for himself as he is the prince. He was born into a royal family and cannot make choices that peasants make. His choices may affect the whole country of

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