How Does Kate Chopin Use Indirect Characterization In A Pair Of Silk Stocking

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In the story “A Pair of Silk Stocking” by Kate Chopin, she uses indirect characterization to describe Mrs. Sommers, as a mother who wants to relive her old rich lifestyle, but is instead trap in a new life struggling with money. For Example, as Mrs. Sommers goes shopping for her children, “she would buy so-and-so many yards of percale for new shirtwaists for the boys and Janie and Mag” (437). Kate Chopin's uses action, a method of indirect characterization, by showing her concerns for her children necessity needs. As well of trying to use as less money she had for her children than herself. Behaving very much differently than her original self, where rather she would spend the money on herself blindly than anyone else. Furthermore, when Mrs.

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