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Hip hop music effects on youth
Hip hop music effects on youth
Hip hop music effects on youth
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Sociology is a field of social science that focuses on behaviors, interactions, and patterns within human society. It tends to look on the occurrences among the larger group, rather than each separate individual. Observing these social phenomena can provide useful insights and data, which solves societal conflicts or allows for greater understanding of said society. One such observed phenomena is the popularity of both tattoos and hip-hop music in teenagers. From a sociological perspective, one can realize the sociological value, positive and negative effects, and importance of these phenomena to teenagers in present day society. One may wonder why exactly this particular information is important, aside from teens being teens. From a common observer’s perspective, a tattoo may be nothing more than a tattoo. Similarly, listening to hip-hop is, to some, nothing more than good or bad taste in music. …show more content…
However, a sociologist would want to look deeper; systematically collecting data like pieces of a puzzle. One of the main purposes of sociology is to analyze the more obscured meanings behind these otherwise common occurrences. Because of this, hip-hop and tattoo popularity would be a perfect route into the mind of teenagers today. The emotions, feelings, or even experiences of the teenager could be discovered through how they are relating to the respective phenomena. Now that the sociologist has observed and asked the question of why, the next step is to collect and analyze data.
In this particular subject, one sample of data would be the negative and positive aspects and effects created by tattoos and hip-hop music. On one hand, tattoos can allow teens to create a display a greater level of self-expression and even boost confidence. The body is often viewed as a blank canvas on which to release artistic creativity. At the same time though, a tattoo could lead to judgement from select individuals or limit job opportunities. Hip-hop music demonstrates similar contrasts. Depending on the lyrics, hip-hop music could act as an outlet for a positive message that invokes change. Equivalently, lyrics with poor messages could have negative implications when interpreted by younger minds. In fact, many individuals immediately think of lyrics that promote violence, sexism, or even inappropriate activities when they imagine hip-hop. However, this is an overgeneralization. As with all things, the exact aspects would vary from case to
case. Knowing the varying aspects of each phenomena is beneficial, but it is also important to observe which ones specifically resonate with these teens. To some, a tattoo may be a symbol of rebellion or spite. However, with tattoos becoming less taboo, this would seem as less of a reason in present day. Many people view tattoos as a way to express themselves, while displaying their inner creativity. A tattooist listens to the individual’s planned design and assists in bringing that image to fruition. Others hold a greater value in the personal or symbolic meaning the tattoo holds for them personally. For example, two teens may get a tattoo to represent the bond they share. This is common between best friends, or even significant others. As for hip-hop, the appeal may range from a connection to the music itself or a sense of relation to the lyrics’ subject matter. For example, an individual handling a breakup may find consolation in lyrics speaking of that very situation. Others may simply enjoy hip-hop for the instrumental aspect. Many listeners often praise songs for their beat, even if the lyrics may be a bit subpar.
Hip-hop can demolish citizen. For instance violence in some songs cause the youth to starts fights and also kill citizens. On the other hand, gangs and street thugs are a few examples. However teenagers kills, steals, vandalize, and etc. Therefore, hip hop has produce an negative impact in the world today. It has promoted an unhealthy lifestyle. This is due to attitudes and behaviors of American Youth. In addition, it teaches African American youth to use profanity. Furthermore, american youth does not have no role model when listening to hip-hop.
It was the first time I had ever been to a party. I had just graduated high school, and did not have nor ever did have any sort of interest in going to a party. One of my fellow classmates had invited me to her party on the night of graduation, and I decided why not? I was told growing up that I would never have contact with most of my classmates after graduation ever again, so I wanted to have one last fun moment with the graduating class of 2013. I arrived at my classmate’s house around nine, and immediately was overwhelmed by the makeshift dance floor in the backyard, the loud, unfamiliar music, and the disco lights. Growing up, I had never been introduced to rap music, so I did not enjoy it as much as my fellow classmates did. It did not take long for the party to get started. Boys and girls alike started to make their way to the makeshift dance floor, immediately dancing on one another. I was absolutely taken away as girls that I had known for four years bent over and began to press their backsides up against boys, grinding on the boys as if it were an everyday activity as degrading music blared out of the speakers, as if they were not aware of the actual lyrics of the song. I was not sure what made me feel sicker to my stomach: the way the girls moved their behinds in ways that I found impossible, which I later learned was called ‘twerking’, or the misogynistic rap music that my classmates danced to. I have not been to a party since then, and I do not think I ever will go to one again. It did not take me long to understand why my parents never let me listen to rap music before: it is this misogynistic, or a hatred towards women, type of music. Rap music clearly portrays women in several, negative ways, such as re...
Music is one of the most powerful and influential language which to many people in
Hip-Hop is produced on the role of coercion and power. The diversity of the culture supposes to create meaning not chaos. Social order is maintained by domination, and the power of the song lyrics. The black youth is more likely to be victimized by crime than any other group. Hip-Hop influence the music that we listen to that a new artist can directly affect how we dress, talk, dance and etc. For example, “prison inspired hip-hop styles like sagging black pants and oversized t-shirts” (Baxter & Marina 2008, 110). Sending a culture shock across the country, some may believe it could be a good thing and others may believe it could be a detriment to our youth and
Hip hop culture is known for its negative reputation. It is often thought as an entrance way into gangs, illegal drug activity, and malicious behavior. In today’s culture it is important to lead kids toward a positive direction in life but the hip hop culture of today is not steering youth in that direction. This is because hip-hop has moved away from what it was supposed to be used for. This genre of music was supposed to be used to for personal expression and growth not to create negative images for the youth and encourage them to change their behaviors and beliefs. Hip hop was supposed to give hope to the youth. Give them a reason to pursue their dreams and give them a positive outlook on life. Are there artists who keep it “old school?” Yes there is, but it is never heard on mainstream radio. Hip hop culture has the potential to help the youth follow their dreams and become better people. It just needs to go back to its roots and bring those morals back up again.
Hip hop has permeated popular culture in an unprecedented fashion. Because of its crossover appeal, it is a great unifier of diverse populations. Although created by black youth on the streets, hip hop's influence has become well received by a number of different races in this country. A large number of the rap and hip hop audience is non-black. It has gone from the fringes, to the suburbs, and into the corporate boardrooms. Because it has become the fastest growing music genre in the U.S., companies and corporate giants have used its appeal to capitalize on it. Although critics of rap music and hip hop seem to be fixated on the messages of sex, violence, and harsh language, this genre offers a new paradigm of what can be (Lewis, 1998.) The potential of this art form to mend ethnic relations is substantial. Hip hop has challenged the system in ways that have unified individuals across a rich ethnic spectrum. This art form was once considered a fad has kept going strong for more than three decades. Generations consisting of Blacks, Whites, Latinos, and Asians have grown up immersed in hip-hop. Hip hop represents a realignment of America?s cultural aesthetics. Rap songs deliver a message, again and again, to keep it real. It has influenced young people of all races to search for excitement, artistic fulfillment, and a sense of identity by exploring the black underclass (Foreman, 2002). Though it is music, many people do not realize that it is much more than that. Hip hop is a form of art and culture, style, and language, and extension of commerce, and for many, a natural means of living. The purpose of this paper is to examine hip hop and its effect on American culture. Different aspects of hip hop will also be examined to shed some light that helps readers to what hip hop actually is. In order to see hip hop as a cultural influence we need to take a look at its history.
Across the world teens feel like they’re losing their voice. In an Independent article, a magazine I found online, Geraldine says “Rates of depression and anxiety among teenagers have increased by 70 percent in the past 25 years” With such a high percentage teens feel like no one can help them and that they have no one to talk to about their problems so they tend to start breaking away from their families and depend more on music. Hip Hop gives teens a chance to feel like they have someone to talk to or someone who understands what they’re going through because a lot of what the artists rap about are life situations that they’ve gone through throughout their lives. Not everyone will understand the message of Hip Hop. “Over the years the instruments change, but the message is the same… They’re telling us something. Our children can hear it” (Mcbride 11) Rappers all have different skills, but it’s all based on telling a story. As long as Rappers tell a story all they need is the right people to listen to those stories, in this case, teens are the people that really understand the message. Hip Hop does sometimes talk about violence but it’s not always about violence, it’s what people make it seem like and if the older generations don’t listen to rap or Hip Hop then they will associate rap with gangs but what they won’t know is that it’s also about
People are surrounded by music every day of their lives. They hear it in their homes, on the radio on their way to work; some people have even caught themselves humming the tune of their favorite song to themselves. But how many people actually listen and not just hear the music they are listening to? Teens in particular don’t realize the message behind the music they are quoting the lyrics to, or the effect it has on them. In today’s culture where rap music has become increasingly popular, many teens aren’t realizing what they are listening to. A lot of teens would argue that the music they listen to has no effect on them, but they are wrong. Rap music, especially, has had a major impact on teenagers in today’s society.
Today in America numerous teenagers are listening to Gangster rap, which is a form of music in not just limited to the African-American culture, it seems that it is the music of choice to many of our vulnerable youth’s today, it illustrates the lifestyle of being rich and famous. Youths are influenced by this music while hearing it in their cars, at work, while driving, or by turning on the TV. Many teens turn to MTV, VH1 or BET everyday to watch their favorite rap artist in their latest videos. Gangster rap promotes the luxurious lifestyle black rappers attain after they achieve success as well as their experiences on the streets. Even with all the fame and fortune many gangster rappers portray a negative image on and off the camera by being in the spotlight for the use of drugs and committing crimes. With all the publicity and notoriety, they receive for being thugs our youth today want to be just like them. The "Hot Boys,” is a well-known rap group that likes to show off their expensive fancy cars in their videos. Consequently, because of these videos, teens these days are decking out there cars by tinting the windows and putting chrome rims on them. Another big thing to do is put a huge sound system in the trunk so everyone can hear your cars bass coming down the street. With rap, music also comes urban clothing. Some rap stars even have their own clothing line such as, Roca wear, Sean John, No Limit Wear, and many others. The rap stars convince their fans to show off their clothing.
Imagine our youth all over the country being exposed to this explicit kind of language. There is no need to imagine, because it is already happening. Ever since the rise of Rap and Hip Hop music, teens have been turning to them to help solve their problems. However these kinds of music can be very destructive to teens. It is not the youth’s fault; it is the content that the music contains. Although Rap and Hip Hop music can be a force for good, they can also have an extremely negative impact on the attitudes and behaviors of our youth.
Teens and the human populous have been draw to music, and the relief it gives off. As recent as the 1990’s, we’ve seen an increase in explicit and violent lyrics and deviant behavior in the music industry surrounding such genres as heavy metal, rock, rap, and gangster rap. During this past decade, lyrics are becoming more violent and sexually explicit. It is approximated that teens listen to an average of 40 hours of music a week, and somewhere along the way, a child will hear something derogatory, or cruel. Along with this, teens don’t necessarily interpret what is said through lyrics in the right manner. In one study, only 30% of those somewhat questionable lyrics by popular bands were comprehended by the teen population.
With each passing year, technology has become highly involved in our lives, and continues to at a rapidly increasing rate. Technology, in many ways, was designed to help people in various fields of work. However, it has also achieved the reciprocal. Where does music lie? Has technology hurt or helped the field of music, specifically hip-hop? What do these advancements mean for the genre?
Tattoos are a controversial subject in the world we live in. The kind of people that get tattoos is now varied to almost all humans regardless of race, religion, or age. What many people fail to understand or realize is how much of an effect a tattoo can have on the rest of your life. The original tattoo stereotypes have faded from what they were many years ago and yet tattoos still have a reputation as for what kind of people get tattoos. There are many reasons as to why people would get a tattoo but there are many reason why you should think before you ink. Our society and the social media today has a huge impact on the tattoo industry. Movie stars and pop singers with many tattoos are posing as role models for our generation and
The Effects of Hip-Hop Music on Today’s Youth Does hip-hop music effect today’s youth in a positive or negative way? The effects of hip-hop music have been disputable following the time when its rise into the social standard in the late twentieth century, but hip-hop music is not just one sided but can be both positive and negative in today’s youth. What is hip-hop about? Assuming that you address hip-hop fans, the term alludes to more than simply a musical type - it incorporates an entire society, including dance structures, graffiti symbolization, and fashion (Selke INT).
The drug use behavior for teenagers has become a main problem today in the relation with hip-hop music. Although hip-hop culture do not directly effect on teenager’s performance in academic, many of them have been reported by creating trouble in the society. In the article, Taste clusters of music and drugs: evidence from three analytic levels, it describes that the hip hop culture has led teenagers to adopt with the relationship of substances use. The author determines that hip-hop culture can share a common affinity for marijuana use. The research discovers that USA has found the evidence by tying hip-hop with particular drug use. From the literature research demonstrate in Kubrin’s content analysis (2005:375-72006), some hip-hop music provides an “interpretive resource” for feelings of injustice. Therefore, the researchers believes that the clustering of hip-hop has high expectancy of drug use more than generally. The research’s result shows that the level of individual-level survey data or self-reported with drug use with hip-hop listeners have 28 percent for marijuana, 65 percent for alcohol, and 46 percent for cigarettes. Therefore, the research finds significantly higher use with marijuana and other substances by the musical preferences on hip-hop music. The researchers conclude that musical preference of hip-hop by youths