How Does Eddie In The Five People You Meet In Heaven

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In the novel The Five People You Meet in Heaven, the author Mitch Albom writes about the main character Eddie and how he evolves and grows throughout the story. The evolution of Eddie's character is seen throughout the entirety of the novel because he learns many things about himself along the way. Eddie was a maintenance man at Ruby Pier before his death, and in his mid to early eighties he had lost everyone he had ever loved. In this particular novel, the end of his life is just the beginning. When Eddie dies, he meets five people who all have something different to teach him. In the novel The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom, the main character, Eddie, evolves as a result of the lessons he was taught; sacrifice, forgiveness, …show more content…

The Captain was Eddie's commanding officer in battle. The Captain teaches Eddie about sacrifice and how it is apart of life. In one particular situation, during World War II, The Captain teaches a lesson by sacrificing his life for Eddie and the other members in Eddie's troop. The Captain was checking the road ahead to make sure there were no landmines and he accidentally stepped on one, which as a result kills him. The Captain realizes that by sacrificing his life, Eddie and the other members in the troop were able to get away safely. The Captain does this because all he knew in his life was war and Eddie had his whole life ahead of him. Eddie also presented sacrifice in his life. At Ruby Pier, Eddie attempts to save a young girl named Amy/Annie from a falling ride called Freddy's Free Fall that fell and landed on him. Eddie gave up his life for Amy/Annie by sacrificing himself. Similarly to Eddie's situation with The Captain's sacrifice, Amy/Annie has her whole life ahead of her. The Captain states in the story, " Sacrifice, you made one. I made one. We all make them, but you were angry over yours. You didn't get it. Sacrifice is apart of life. It's supposed to be. It's not something to regret" (93). As shown in the quote, sacrifice taught Eddie a lot and he grew tremendously from

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