How Does Domestic Violence Affect Children In The Family

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Contents page

Introduction 1
Results/Findings 2
Methology 3
Ethical considerations 4
Limitations 5
Investigation 6
Primary …show more content…

When discussing whether or not domestic violence affects the children in the family, first domestic violence must be defined; domestic violence is the act of violence or threatening behaviour that usually takes places in the household (however can take place outside the home, for instance on social media) towards another as a form of control, the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator can differ, they may be in a romantic relationship or be family.
Domestic violence has a huge effect on the victims, they may have been suffering from optional, physical, financial, sexual or spiritual abuse, they would naturally have negative effects due to this however does domestic violence have an effect on the children in the family?
Although many parents believe that if the children are not in the same room as them when the abuse is taking place they will not be affected, however 'witnessing abuse' is not just seeing the abuse that takes place but also hearing or even sensing the tension in the household.
This report will analyse whether or not witnessing domestic violence affects children and young people. An interview will be conducted with a volunteer who will discuss if she thinks, experiencing domestic violence affected her …show more content…

Is it because she could explain her daughter’s behaviour as that of a rebellious teen? Or is it because her two youngest children were effected in some way or another and she did not want that information to become disclosed? The answer is unknown and will remain unknown. All that can be done is to theories however the secondary investigations conducted suggest that all three children would have been affected in some way or another.
The fear of witnessing a family member experiencing domestic violence is a new form of abuse in itself. The child may be feeling constantly worried, nervous or anxious as they do not know when the next time an event is going to take place; they would also feel resentful towards both the perpetrator and the victim, the perpetrator because they are carrying out the abuse and the victim because they are unable to stop it from

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