How Does Climate Change By Michael Pollan And Curtis White

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The two essays by Michael Pollan and Curtis white talk about climate change in regards to the relationship between the environment and human beings. Although the two essays share the same topic, they take the subject and engage the readers in totally different points of views. Pollan’s essay talks about global and ecological responsibility being a personal virtue while Curtis discusses the socio-economic or political issues underlying sustainability (Pollan; White). These two essays are very different in terms of voice; however these pieces of writing are both important for people all over the world to read. Climate change and environmental disasters are a real issue. Just this year, there have been more storms, cyclones, earthquakes and typhoons all over the world. One cannot look at the state of many developing counties where the majority of the population is exposed and vulnerable to the effects of climate change. This issue on developing a viable solution for the problem of anthropogenic gases and global warming is long from being found. Not only this, many people do not want to hear about this issue since they do not think it is real. Unless people have tangible proof that their cars, thermostats and aerosol cans are contributing to climate change, they are not going to give up their lifestyles. By synthesizing the two essays, one can see that there is a need for change and that it is not an issue which should be dealt with in terms of ecological factors or even personal virtue. The social, economic and political factors affecting this problem and the move towards real sustainability should also be a topic that will raise awareness. Pollan’s essay addresses a question most people would ask themselves. Why should anyone both... ... middle of paper ... ...e or limit the effects of global warming will also make a difference (Pollan). We are the ones who create this issue through industrialization. Therefore, we should also be the beings who will find viable solutions. The essay of White addresses the issue on lifestyle change and socio-economic factors. This means that people should know how climate change can affect their personal lives so that they don’t need to ask themselves “why bother?” The earth is billions of years old, and humans only realized the power of fossil fuels in the last century. Knowing what we are doing to the environment should be enough for people to take a stand and reduce their carbon emissions. It’s not just a matter of awareness, it’s about letting people know why they should care on a personal level and on a larger scale. Climate change is real, and most of it is because of human activity.

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