How Does Bilbo Baggins Show Sacrifice In Beowulf

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“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” Beowulf was hero because he showed bravery, kindness, and most importantly sacrifice in his story but now we ask the same question but direct at Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo Baggins is like any other Hobbit and like any other hobbit does not like adventures or more accurately venturing outside their comfort zones. However, Gandalf, the Grey Wizard, forces a most unexpected adventure onto Bilbo where he finds himself helping a company of dwarves reclaim their home. Like Beowulf, Bilbo meets what i believe to be the required qualities of a hero, which are bravery, kindness, and sacrifice.
“True bravery is about knowing not when to take a life but when to spare one” Gandalf the Grey. …show more content…

Humorously, from the beginning Bilbo sacrifice much of his food to feed all the dwarves and then sacrificed the comfort of his home to join the Thorin and his company on their quest to retake their home. Bilbo’s greatest sacrificed was the potential to be hated by his new friends for the rest of his life. Thorin was addicted to the Arkenstone and Thorin regarded to be “is worth more than a river of gold itself, and to me beyond that price. That stone of all the treasure I name unto myself, and I will be avenged on anyone who finds it and withholds it.”, Bilbo withheld the stone knowing full well the consequeces of his deception. Bringing the Arkenstone to the Elven King, Bilbo wanted to bring peace and hoped this would help the Elves negotiate but this would demolish his friendship with the dwarves completely if he was found out. Cataclysmically, Bilbo confessed to giving the Arkenstone and in an outrage, Thorin almost killed him but still shunned him completely and treated him as a traitor. Sadly, after a tremendous battle of the 5 armies, Bilbo was called to Thorin’s side where he lay badly wounded. Thorin recalled everything he said at the moutain and told Bilbo of how his kindness and bravery were need greatly in world. While this may have turned out better than Bilbo originally thought, Bilbo still sacrificed his entire friendship even if only for a brief moment with Thorin and his company the moment he gave away the

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