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An Unexpected Hero
Can a short man with fuzzy feet really be a hero? J.R.R. Tolkien made that possible when he wrote the book The Hobbit. The short man with fuzzy feet is named Bilbo Baggins, and he is a hobbit. Bilbo is forced into a crazy adventure when 13 dwarves show up at his hobbit hole for breakfast. Bilbo gains three traits, cleverness, courage, and reliability, which teach him that it is not necessary to be tall and strong to be a hero. Bilbo begins his adventure very reluctant, but by the end of it he is an unexpected hero.
Throughout the story Bilbo’s “Tookish” side comes out and he becomes very clever. The first time that Bilbo showed how clever he really was, he was lost in the dark tunnels of the goblins’ realm. Bilbo runs
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into a slimy creature called Gollum whose intention was to eat him. To waste time Bilbo played a riddle game with the creature agreeing that if Bilbo won, Gollum would show him the way out. However, if Gollum won Bilbo would be his next meal. After countless riddles, Bilbo cheated and asked the question “What have I got in my pocket?” (78) This question led Bilbo into finding his way out. Bilbo was also very clever towards the end of the book. Bilbo told Bombur that he would takeover the night shift, when really Bilbo just wanted to make sure all of the dwarves were sleeping.
Late that night Bilbo went to a corner of the inner chamber and drew the Arkenstone from his bag. The hobbit then took Thorin’s most prized possession , the Arkenstone, down the mountain to give to the Elvenking and Bard. This action showed Bilbo’s cleverness because he gave up his portion of the treasure just to stop the dwarves and the elves from going to war. Many of Bilbo’s actions during his journey required a lot of courage. Bilbo showed his courage when he created an escape plan for him and the dwarves. He helped the escape from the Elvenking's dungeon. His plan was to shove all 13 dwarves into into separate barrels and float them down the river. There was, however, a weak spot in Bilbo’s plan. The hobbit forgot how he was going to get into a barrel. The hobbit took all of the courage he had, deciding to jump onto one of the apple-smelling barrels. Baggins could have drowned if he would’ve fallen into the wavy river. That didn’t stop Bilbo though! The hobbit also showed courage when he met the dragon of the Lonely Mountain, Smaug. Bilbo ends up having a battle of wits with …show more content…
Smaug. The hobbit plucks up just enough courage to continue responding to Smaug’s deceiving words. The dragon tried to make the hobbit doubt the dwarves honesty by saying “A fourteenth share, I suppose, or something like it, those were the terms, eh? But what about delivery? What about cartage? What about armed guards and trolls?” (225) Smaug almost got into the hobbits head, but Bilbo did not allow that to happen. Smaug was very good at tricking people into telling him the truth. It was courageous of Bilbo to stand up against the ferocious dragon. Bilbo becomes very reliable towards the latter part of the book.
When the 13 dwarves and Bilbo are in Mirkwood, they are captured by wood-elves. Luckily the hobbit was able to put his ring of invisibility on. Thus turning him invisible before the elves caught him. Bilbo then secretly followed them to the Elven Kings dungeon. The company relied on the hobbit to create an escape plan in which he succeeded. Another time the dwarves relied on bilbo was when he saved the from the giant spiders of Mirkwood. Bilbo first comes across his friends tied up in a tree while wearing his invisibility ring. The hobbit created a plan to lead the spiders away from the dwarves so he could untie them. To get the spiders to chase him he would sing “Old fat spider spinning in a tree! Old fat spider can’t see me! Attercop! Attercop! Won’t you stop, stop your spinning and look for me?” (159) After distracting the spiders, Bilbo went and cut his friends free.
Although Bilbo was unenthusiastic to start his adventure, he ends up being an unexpected hero. The hobbit is not the type of hero that conquers his enemy through force, but of wit and the use of riddles. This shows that it is not impossible for a short man with fuzzy feet to be the hero of a
In the beginning, Bilbo is very abject to go on this adventure. “Don’t be a fool, Bilbo Baggins!” He said to himself, “Thinking of dragons and all that outlandish nonsense...”
Many showed up in groups of three or four, so that Bilbo couldn’t just turn them all down. They later asked him to come on their adventure with them. The dwarves had told Bilbo about their treasure that was stolen and Bilbo suggested that they go to Lonely Mountain to reclaim it. Bilbo really doesn't want to but feels forced to go. They left a piece of Bilbo's notebook paper on his mantle under a clock showing all the dangers he might encounter. Gandalf had come to tell him that he was going to be late if he did not leave soon to be with the dwarves, causing him to feel forced to go. In the movie, however, Bilbo Baggins is presented with a contract from the others involving his burglar services that he will use on the journey with them. He grabs a backpack before he runs out to catch up with the others. This makes the movie more realistic because no normal person would go on an adventure without grabbing anything for the long journey ahead. Bilbo now had a few items from his hobbit hole that would remind him of his home. The book shows Bilbo as more of a reluctant hero. In the book, Bilbo finds the letter on the mantle and decides to go at the last minute. He seems to have felt pressured, resulting in just running out of the hole and not grabbing any of his belongings. He leaves
The dwarves were on a quest to find and reclaim their famous treasure from the great dragon Smaug. It would be a long and difficult journey, and they felt it would be made simpler with the help of a burglar. This was what Bilbo was for, even if he didn’t know it. Bilbo didn’t want to be on the adventure, let alone play a vital role in it. But by the time the story concluded, Bilbo had changed from a well-to-do homebody into a burglar.
When Bilbo encounters the strange creature Gollum, he enters into a game of riddles with the creature in order to buy more time. Bilbo’s wit enables him to prevail as he asks the final question, at first to himself, “What have I got in my pocket?” (78). Another example of Bilbo’s cunning wit would be his encounter with the great dragon Smaug. Smaug is a much more daunting opponent this time. As Smaug attempts to lure Bilbo into his hall, Bilbo proceeds to flatter the dragon and talk in riddles. “This is of course the way to talk to dragons, if you don’t want to reveal your proper name (which is wise), and don’t want to infuriate them by a flat refusal (which is also very wise)” (223). Bilbo’s cunning tactics establish Bilbo as being capable of conquering his enemies not with total force, but with the clever use of
Within J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, Tolkien uses the character of Bilbo Baggins to reveal to the reader the constant struggle between heroic and anti-heroic qualities within Bilbo and ourselves.
At the beginning of the novel, Mr. Baggins starts out at his comfy little hobbit home, but suddenly a grand, wise wizard shows up. Not long after, 12 dwarves began to appear, one by one at Bilbo’s door, and they have come to carry him off on a life-changing adventure, full of greed. That was the beginning of our hairy hobbit’s transformation from a shy, quiet hobbit, to a strong and bold life-saving hero, who enchants any who come in contact with him. For example of his strength and boldness, would be in chapter 5, when Bilbo rhymes riddles for an unknown creature, who calls itself Gollum. Bilbo would’ve been eaten if he were to have lost, but took his chances, and risked it anyway. After all, it did get him out of that goblin-infested cave.
Hobbits, and more specifically bilbo's family are not known for being adventurers. They usually just stay in their homes, farm, and do other things that reside in their town but Bilbo does not. “The Bagginses had lived in the neighbourhood of The Hill for time out of mind, and people considered them very respectable, not only because most of them were rich, but also because they never had any adventures or did anything unexpected.”(21) He wants to prove himself that he is courageous and brave better than the average Hobbit. Few Hobbits have ever gone on to an adventure so with a little push from Gandalf and the dwarves he sets off nervous but
...th heroes take are dangerous and difficult. Bilbo makes many mistakes but in the end he does mature and grow as a person. The hero is willing to put everything above themselves. Comparing Bilbo with Beowulf, it is clear that while Beowulf is an archetypal hero from a hero themed story, Bilbo is arguably more of a hero than him in some ways. Bilbo shows himself to not just a hero in skills and prowess but a hero in character, which Beowulf does not seem to show. Thorin even comments “Now is the time for our esteemed Mr. Baggins, who has proved himself a good companion on our long road, and a hobbit full of courage and resource far exceeding his size…” (198). However both heroes have acts of self-sacrifice and courage, while Beowulf uses his physical strength to achieve his heroics, Bilbo’s sense of honour, moral and courage proves himself equal to Beowulf in heroics.
Then one day a wizard by the name of Gandalf comes and gives Bilbo the opportunity to go on an adventure. Bilbo turns his offer down, but the next day thirteen dwarves come to his house. They have meals together and they sleep at Bilbo’s house. Gandalf then convinces him to go on an adventure with them. Bilbo is many things, in the beginning he is flat, static, main, and he is the protagonist.
When legends are told throughout the world about heroes, the picture that we have of that hero is someone like Beowulf. However, the reason why we see Bilbo Baggins as a hero is because he is so similar to the rest of us. He portrays the average person but Bilbo has gone the extra step. He takes risks and faces battles that seem impossible to conquer. This is why we he is a hero. He does everything that we wis...
Throughout Bilbo’s metamorphosis journey, he undergoes many dangers on his path that changes him to become more cunning and courageous. When Bilbo confronted Smaug, he was more prepared. This was especially evident after he was able to make the creature Gollum feel baffled by challenging him with a harder riddle question using his devious skills. When Bilbo heard Smaug snoring whilst he was bravely walking down the tunnel alone, he realized “Going on from there was the bravest thing he ever did. The tremendous things that happened afterwards were as nothing compared to it. He fought the real battle in the tunnel alone, before he ever saw the vast danger that lay in wait” (Tolkien, 260). This quote emphasizes how challenging it felt for Bilbo to find the courage to continue. This was particularly because Bilbo was unsure of the danger that laid ahead of him, but he had certainly realized that it was there and coming. Moreover, when he steeled himself and continued on, it was the single moment o...
During the middle of Bilbo and his crew's adventure they run into big trouble with the giant spiders. While asleep in the dark of the forrest Bilbo and the dwarves are surprised to find themselves tied up by the spiders. Using his sword later named Sting, Bilbo cuts himself free. He leads the spiders away from the dwarves by throwing stones in the opposite direction, then he sets the dwarves free with help from the invisibility ring so the spiders could not see him. Bilbo throws himself in harm all to guarantee the dwarves their protection. Another time Bilbo offered up his safety in order to ensure the dwarves was when he rescued all of them from the wood elves. As Bilbo and the dwarves were on a mission to find food somewhere, they run into the wood-elves. Bilbo put his ring on so he was invisibly but all the dwarves were locked up in the Elvenking's castle. After several weeks of exploring the castle, Bilbo comes up with his plan of escape. Bilbo steals the keys from the guard while he was not paying attention, then manages to set all the dwarves free. They are now all floating downstream in empty wine barrels. If it was not for Bilbo's yield, they would still be prisoners in there. It was risky business and Bilbo could be caught and locked up as well, but he did it and his plan was completed with a favorable
Bilbo Baggins is a very soft and quiet hobbit. He loves to eat, and is pampered by his own self. So when Gandalf arrives to take him on an adventure, Bilbo is a little hesitant –scared to death- to risk his life with Thorin and Company. “At may never return he began to feel a shriek coming up inside, and very soon it burst out like the whistle of an engine coming out of a tunnel. […] The...
Bilbo begins his long journey with the dwarves, who at the time were still skeptical of Bilbo’s abilities. The dwarves didn’t see why they needed such a small incompetent hobbit with them along their journey. Gandalf tells them to stop complaining and to trust that there is more to Bilbo than meets the eye (Tolkien 6). Bilbo soon shows his courage and heroism for the first time in the story when they run into their first obstacle, three large trolls huddled around a campfire. Bilbo, who was once a shy, non-adventurous type, begins to develop into a hero as he tries to steal one of the trolls’ money purses. This is a dramatic scene in the novel because it was Bilbo’s very first act outside his comfort zone. It was this...
...ting points of the plot also relied on Bilbo’s courage. If Bilbo did not have such a valuable trait, the story of the Hobbit would’ve been fairly short.