How Does Batman Show Moral Ambiguity?

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Developing Integrity Batman as a character has been on the darker side of superheroes for a long time and was even “depicted as being morally ambiguous in his earliest incarnation” (Levin et al., 2019, p. 11). This is no different for Batman Begins and it is seen throughout the film. There is “a moral worry that recurs throughout the Batman films” (Turvey, 2019, p. 101). Batman and Wayne both developed their integrity and morality over the course of the film, but it is not always clear what the line is. With this moral ambiguity comes flexibility in Batman’s actions. Johnson (2014) states this ambiguity “allows Batman the moral flexibility to combat evil in various forms, but it also places his decisions in the hands of his enemies, allowing Nolan to question and test Batman’s position …show more content…

There are a few scenes in the film that show this. One scene occurs at the end of training with the League of Shadows where, as an initiation, Wayne must kill an alleged criminal. He declines, which “shows wisdom beyond his years by refusing to humiliate and kill the criminal this way” (Olson, 2022, p. 210). This is when Wayne starts to see that his version of justice is not killing. After his refusal, Wayne realizes that the League of Shadows is not for him and escapes. This realization, “allows him to defy Ducard. his well-honed powers and skills allows him also to save Ducard in the face of certain death” (Calvert, 2010, para. 5. The adage of the adage. Even though Wayne does not agree with Ducard’s view of justice, he cannot allow himself to let Ducard fall to his death as the fall was a direct result of Wayne’s actions during the escape. Wayne and Batman have shown growth in their moral development. From Wayne wanting to kill his parents’ killer to refusing to kill a different criminal. Generally, Batman “appears to make a moral choice of compassion and justice over vengeance upon his enemies” (Killian, 2007, p.

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