How Does Advertising Encouraging Smoking Essay

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Tobacco Advertisements Encouraging Smoking
In this article “Tobacco Advertisements Encouraging Smoking” the author claims that the advertisement makes cigarettes most successful product in American history. According to the office of the Surgeon General, in1998, tobacco companies spent 6.7 billion dollars on marketing (Williams.pp.50). We see the big poster on the wall and a hero demonstrates smoke as a good behavior in the move. As we look back to 2007 campaign for the feminine Camel No.9 brand, girls’ night parties, gift bags, and print ads in fashion magazines had a significant impact on teens. Indeed, tobacco companies have a strategic advertisement for consumers to smoke (Roman pp.1). However, I believe that the tobacco companies maintaining cigarettes ads in order to play role in people life to make a decision to smoke. As I see the three main reasons to start smoking; Advertising, Friends smoke, and Family members smoke.
In this research I found that Tobacco industries declare that advertisements are deliberated to aware adults with information regarding smoking or to …show more content…

smokers who either quit smoking or die, the tobacco companies well understand this fact and decide to replace this number by recruiting new customer including teenagers and adult women. Most of smokers start before age eighteen; indeed, no one begins smoking after age twenty. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free kids paints an accurate picture of the tobacco business: "No matter what the cigarette companies say or do, they cannot stay in business unless children smoke.... If large numbers of children did not try smoking, become regular users, and turn into addicted adult smokers, the big cigarette companies would eventually not have enough adult customers to make staying in business worthwhile (pp.3). in this picture we see casuses of death that death rate by tobacco is

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