How Do I Look? The Importance of Appearance for Job Applicants

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How Do I Look?
In today’s world of high fashion and abnormally perfect celebrities, it easy for anyone to feel as if their appearance does not measure up to the standards of their celebrity idols. As a result, teenagers and young adults are always trying to perfect their appearance. However, these same individuals do not take the same care when applying for a job or attending an interview. Unfortunately, they do not see the importance of making a good first impression on prospective employees. Research has shown that “the earlier one begins to look for employment, the better chance he/she has in finding employment and in numerous quantities” (Hirschi). The basic skills of applying for a job are more than an impressive resume. The applicant’s appearance plays just as important a role as job skills and education. Individuals should not apply for a job or attend an interview looking unkempt and slouchy (Peterson’s). Failure to access the importance of dress and appearance may result in one’s inability to get the job. With that being said, it is more prudent than ever for students to acquire early on the necessary skills for finding employment. In particular, parents and teachers should work together with students to ensure that the appropriate skills for college and career are taught at a very young age, consistently being reinforced throughout students’ lives in order for students to be successful in educational and employment endeavors.
Certainly, school is a student’s very first job. As such, a student’s main focus must be on homework, tests, standardized tests, college, and eventually, employment. Ultimately, one is expected to become a successful student, by putting forth their best effort. Surely, it stands to reason that the...

... middle of paper ..., writing, and arithmetic. Even so, students should also learn how to effectively write a resume as well as the importance of a reasonable dress code. The fundamentals of school follow us throughout our lives-from our very first day of school, to our first day of college, to our first day on the job, and so on. These basic learning skills are forever etched in the brains of students, no matter how long one has been out of school. It stands to reason, that because students learn these skills at such a young age that they should be able to utilize these skills for the rest of their days. As such, the new basics of resume and reasonable dress code should also be included as fundamental skills, so that they can remain as prominent as other basic learning skills (Coworkers). As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and once one has knowledge, it can never be taken away.

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