How Did Rosa Parks Impact The Civil Rights Movement

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“I remember going to sleep as a girl hearing the klan ride at night and hearing lynching and being afraid the house would burn down (pioneer of civil rights).”
Rosa parks mother saved up for her to go to school, But she ended up not going because she had to take care of her mother and grandfather. She started at a young age getting involved with the civil rights meaning she was suffering from this when she was also young. Even though rosa parks replied with the simple word “no”, her act of encouragement will stay in history forever for inspiring the civil rights movement.
Rosa parks act of courage in the 1950’s was because of segregation.Rosa parks was an important figure in history due to her standing out and having a voice by doing a risky act that got her arrested. Evidence: “On December 1, 1995, Parks refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white passenger.” (parks early life) This proves that rosa parks was the right person at the right time whose simple command would impact history forever. Alongside her husband, Parks helped black citizens gain the right to vote.“Parks later joined her husband in the organization and helped mobilize a voter registration drive in Montgomery”(parks early life).this proves that rosa parks had interest in equal rights for the black community. A little after parks arrest the 381 day bus boycott began. …show more content…

After parks arrest the bus boycott was encouraged by the black community due to unequal rights. “Her arrest became an arousing point around which the african american community organized a bus boycott in protest of the discrimination they had endured for years.”(act of courage). This proves that rosa parks had a huge impact to continue with a protest to help stop the

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