How Did Racial Segregation Affect African Americans

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How did racial segregation affect African Americans in the USA?

Racial Segregation was the system created by white people in the USA after slavery was abolished to keep black people in a ‘servant’ state. Racial segregation was also invented to prevent Black people in the US from interacting with white people in the USA. Segregation in the US meant that in some states African Americans were made to drink from different water fountains, blacks were only permitted to sit at the back of the bus and would be made to give up their seat for white people when they came on the bus, having separate toilet rooms from white people, placing black children in separate school away from white children towns were segregated into black and white residential areas, and In some places interracial marriage was illegal. These rules were known as Jim Crow laws and disobeyers of this law were lynched. “Separate free schools shall be established for the education of children of African descent; and it shall be unlawful for any colored child to attend any white school, or any white child to attend a colored school.”
—Missouri, 1929

Social Changes
After the Jim Crow laws were implemented to the public, the …show more content…

A majority of the judges in the court acclaimed that the policy did not violate either the thirteenth or fourteenth amendment, stating that the purpose of the 14th amendment was “to enforce the absolute equality of the two races before the law…. Laws … requiring their separation … do not necessarily imply the inferiority of either race”. This ‘separate but equal’ belief was accepted in a number of American states, legalising segregation and promoting the separations of schools, as well as other public areas. By the court made the remaining general public remove any doubts that made the segregation seem racist though there were some that still understood that it was indeed

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