How Did Pocahontas Changed The World

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Toni Meyer
Mrs. Broadbent/Mr. Manning
English 2B – 5th hour
April 22, 2016

How Pocahontas influenced and changed the world. Pocahontas a fearless, young, and courageous girl, guided explores through the new world, and devoted her life to helping others. Her real name was Amonute and her more private name was Matoaka. Her nickname Pocahontas means “playful one” and they gave her this nickname because she was very adventurous and courageous. She was born around 1595 and 1596. Her father’s name is Wahunsenara, but he was called Chief Powhatan. Pocahontas was born into being a Powhatan Native American Women.Pocahontas was Powhatan’s favorite daughter. Even though there is nothing written in English about her Mom there are some theories. One theory …show more content…

This story has a lot of different ways of being told. For example if you compare the Disney movie “Pocahontas” with the stories are completely different. Obviously Disney over exaggerates and adds their own stuff to the story to make it more interesting, but it's not the right facts. Pocahontas was really about twelve years old when she met John Smith. Pocahontas made such a huge impact on his life when she placed her head upon his own and begged Powhatan not to execute him. John Smith is a huge reason on why Pocahontas is still a topic brought up and why there are stories told about her still. John Smith took record of some of the other people she saved from getting executed just like how he was almost executed. The relationship between John Smith and Powhatan was quite interesting. Powhatan sent a message off to John Smith that if John brought him weapons such as sowers, guns, hens, copper breads, and a grindstone that he would fill up Captain Smith’s ship with corn.”Were you not afraid to come into my father’s country, and caused fear into him and all of his people and fear you here I should call you father. I tell you I will, and you shall call me child, and so I will ever forever and ever your countryman.”[Pocahontas to John Smith]”( From what this quote Pocahontas said to John Smith shows how she felt about him and his bravery. You can also tell that she saw more in …show more content…

She became a symbol of Indian religious conversion. She became a huge symbol because she ended up learning the Christian ways in her religion class and she was taught English. A lot of people were not okay with her doing this, but some really looked up to her. She also taught people English. She got along with the English a lot and I think a big factor on why the English people were okay with her because she married John Rolfe. Pocahontas was very protective over the Englishmen. We might only know about how she saved John Smith from being executed, but none of the others took documents on it. However John Smith took documents on the few other people she saved Since he took documents on it we have proof that Pocahontas helped bring the Indians and the English together. If it wasn't for her we wouldn't be where we are today.She basically brought the Indians and English together by marrying John Rolfe. We already know that she learned English, but she also learned the religion and customs If she didn't do this the English would have a hard time communicating and they would have probably eventually end up in a war from misunderstanding something. A man named Alexander Whitaker instructed Pocahontas into Christianity. He also helped her improve on her English through reading the bible She has done so many great things for the world and they were never documented. A lot

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