How Did Nick Carraway Influence Gatsby's Life

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The novel, The Great Gatsby was a way the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald could express his
life. The author’s intention of writing this book, was so that readers can learn from real life
events. Which is the reason why most of the characters form the novel are people who
influenced Fitzgerald’s life or had a part in his life.
Nick Carraway the narrator and Jay Gatsby, two of the main characters of the novel are
illustrated to be F. Scott Fitzgerald. Each of their lives in the story depict events that occurred in
Fitzgerald's as well as their personalities. However, Fitzgerald wasn’t a man of fame nor money
so instead he experienced it through Gatsby. Gatsby’s character in the novel was charming,
majestic, a businessman, friendly and caring to …show more content…

both were from Minnesota and fought in World War I. Nick plays the part of Fitzgerald as a
normal hardworking man who works to provide for himself. The both of them were handsome,
ambitious and smart. Also, they each attended Ivy League Universities and while being there
they wrote for their school newspaper (Bio 1).
Martinez 1
Jay Gatsby and Scott Fitzgerald both aimed to become successful at a young age
(Bio 1). Though Fitzgerald wasn’t able to gain his popularity he had always desired, he was able
to experience his dreams through Gatsby (Bio 1). The both of them fell in love before they were
sent off to war, Fitzgerald with Zelda and Gatsby with Daisy. The both of them tried anything
and everything to impress the women of their dreams. Gatsby wasn’t able to sweep his dream
women off her feet because by the time he came back from war she was taken by another man.
However, that didn’t stop Gatsby because he tried everything to win her over but didn’t succeed.
On the other hand, Fitzgerald married his true love by starting a career in advertising which
made Zelda drawn to him (Bio 1).
From reading The Great Gatsby, I learned about Jay Gatsby and researching F.

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