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Significance of the setting of The Great Gatsby
The great gatsby about
The great gatsby about
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The novel, The Great Gatsby was a way the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald could express his
life. The author’s intention of writing this book, was so that readers can learn from real life
events. Which is the reason why most of the characters form the novel are people who
influenced Fitzgerald’s life or had a part in his life.
Nick Carraway the narrator and Jay Gatsby, two of the main characters of the novel are
illustrated to be F. Scott Fitzgerald. Each of their lives in the story depict events that occurred in
Fitzgerald's as well as their personalities. However, Fitzgerald wasn’t a man of fame nor money
so instead he experienced it through Gatsby. Gatsby’s character in the novel was charming,
majestic, a businessman, friendly and caring to
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those he loved. Although, Fitzgerald wasn't all that Gatsby was he was ambitious from a young age as well as Gatsby. In this second section, I provide the similarities of Fitzgerald and Nick Carraway.
both were from Minnesota and fought in World War I. Nick plays the part of Fitzgerald as a
normal hardworking man who works to provide for himself. The both of them were handsome,
ambitious and smart. Also, they each attended Ivy League Universities and while being there
they wrote for their school newspaper (Bio 1).
Martinez 1
Jay Gatsby and Scott Fitzgerald both aimed to become successful at a young age
(Bio 1). Though Fitzgerald wasn’t able to gain his popularity he had always desired, he was able
to experience his dreams through Gatsby (Bio 1). The both of them fell in love before they were
sent off to war, Fitzgerald with Zelda and Gatsby with Daisy. The both of them tried anything
and everything to impress the women of their dreams. Gatsby wasn’t able to sweep his dream
women off her feet because by the time he came back from war she was taken by another man.
However, that didn’t stop Gatsby because he tried everything to win her over but didn’t succeed.
On the other hand, Fitzgerald married his true love by starting a career in advertising which
made Zelda drawn to him (Bio 1).
From reading The Great Gatsby, I learned about Jay Gatsby and researching F.
Scott Fitzgerald I can say they each had influences on the readers. To conclude, both Jay Gatsby and Scott Fitzgerald were very much alike. They each wanted to marry their true loves and had lots of money. Gatsby wasn’t successful in marrying his love while Fitzgerald did. However they both had luxurious lives. Martinez 1 Work Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott, and Matthew J. Bruccoli. The Great Gatsby . N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. "F. Scott Fitzgerald." Bio.com . A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 02 May 2016.
Gatsby’s explanation of this dream focused on money and social status. He has always yearned for this, even when he was a child. Fitzgerald frequently emphasises Gatsby’s desire, throughout the entirety of this novel. Though, Fitzgerald accentuates this desire when Nick discovers the truth of Gatsby’s past. During this elucidation, Nick explains that “his [Gatsby’s] parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people-his imagination had never really accepted them as his parents at all.” (Fitzgerald, 98) This shows the reader Gatsby’s lifelong determination for wealth and power. Even in his adult life, he strives for more than what he has. In John Steinbeck’s essay, he explains that “we [Americans] go mad with dissatisfaction in the face of success” (Steinbeck, 1) This is exactly how Gatsby feels, he is not content with his success, the amount of money he has, or the height of his social status and is constantly wishing for more than he has. Though, once he meets Daisy he no longer strives for wealth, but rather for her. As shown in this novel, even though Gatsby has achieved all he had wanted when he was growing up, he will not be content until he is able to call Daisy his
When the book begins, it is assumed that his dream is fortune and “fame,” but as the book continues, it reveals his dream is love. He has a love, Daisy for many years, she is the reason he lives where he does and has the parties he has, just to impress Daisy. Daisy never even showed up to one of his parties until the end. Gatsby bought a big house right across the river from Daisy’s house and and throws extravagant parties to get her to come, all he wants was love. Although he never truly achieves it, he is able to work hard to try to achieve it. That is a part of the american dream, it may not be attainable and Gatsby might be working hard for something that just is impossible for him to achieve . “―I thought of Gatsby‘s wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy‘s dock. He had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could barely fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night” (p. 180,
Fitzgerald’s life came to be in September of 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota. His father, Edward Fitzgerald, an alcoholic and failed wicker furniture maker, had a proud aristocracy, which his wife, Mary (Mollie) McQuillan, was appreciative of. Mollie had an abundance of inheritance, but no family name to live up too. The family of Catholics lived in upstate New York until Edward was dismissed as a salesman. They then moved back to St. Paul to live off of Mollie’s hefty inheritance.
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is a tragedy filled with love, loss, and betrayal. Fitzgerald paints us a beautiful picture of the events in this tale through complex wording. While his story and word usage may be complex, his character are not as complex as they appear. Their outward appearance may fool a reader because deep down they fit many popular archetypes. From the narcissistic jock type to the outsider, each one of Fitzgerald’s main characters can fit a certain archetype.
F. Scott Fitzgerald lived in a nice neighborhood, but growing up he wasn’t privileged. He was raised in the upper-crest Summit Ave. neighborhood
The message of numerous literature novels are connected to the context of the time and can enlighten readers to understand the meaning. This is true of the novel, The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and first published in 1926. It highlights a materialistic and consumerist society where social and moral values were slowly decaying. Portrayed through the eyes of the narrator, Nick Carraway, itillustrated the world , the people surrounding him and their values; starting with Daisy and Tom Buchanan and the infamous Jay Gatsby, a man chasing after his first love.
Raleigh, John Henry. "F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby: Legendary Bases and Allegorical Significances." F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Arthur Mizener. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1963. 99-103.
[2] Graham, Sheilah. The Real F. Scott Fitzgerald; New York: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc, 1976. p 61
Even when it seemed as though everything was working against him and that he would never regain his lost love, Gatsby kept going, knowing that the strength of his hope would see him through. His childlike determination, while ultimately his downfall, was what made Gatsby truly “great”. Works Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner, 2004.
Dream chasing can be a dangerous hobby. When a person focuses all of their effort too closely on their dream, they will ultimately find that they move further and further away with every one step forward and two steps back. In the novel The Great Gatsby, the character of Jay Gatsby is a vivid and passionate dream chaser. He spends his entire adult life focused on gaining wealth and recognition, in addition gaining the attention of a girl, Daisy Buchanan, who he met earlier in his life. In their time apart, she marries another and has a child with him, making it even more difficult for Gatsby. In attempts to gain the attention of his love, he throws extravagant, large parties that draw in hundreds every night, hoping one day she will too, walk
-Bruccoli, Mattew J. “A Brief Life of Fitzgerald” F. Scott Fitzgerald Society. 2009. Pg 1-5. Web. 26 Feb 2014. http://www.fscottfitzgeraldsociety.org/biography/
The Great Gatsby, Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s third book, was first published in 1925. It is a tale of love, loss, and betrayal set in New York in the mid 1920’s. It follows Nick Carraway, the narrator, who moves to Long Island where he spends time with his cousin, Daisy Buchanan, and meets his mysterious neighbor, Jay Gatsby. Nick can be viewed as the voice of reason in this novel. He is a static character that readers can rely on to tell the truth, as he sees it. But not only the readers rely on him. Daisy, Gatsby, Tom, and Jordan all confide in him and trust that he will do the right thing. Nick Carraway is the backbone of the book and its main characters.
...had failures, making him human and relatable. Fitzgerald contribution to literature will forever been know. From his masterpiece to his failed play Fitzgerald was an interesting man and an amazing author.
F. Scott Fitzgerald brilliantly wrote many novels as well as short stories. One of his best known works is The Great Gatsby. In the novel, the main character Jay Gatsby tries to obtain his lifetime dreams: wealth and Daisy Buchanan. Throughout the story, he works at achieving his goals while overcoming many obstacles. Fitzgerald’s plot line relies heavily on accidents, carelessness, and misconceptions, which ultimately reveal the basic themes in the story.
point in his life. In addition to that, Fitzgerald writes, “They were both in white, and their