How Did Hiroshima Bombing Affect The World

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Hiroshima, the beginning of WWII… what if it was never presented into our world? We, as Americans, were very unhappy because of the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, our nation made mass destruction. Hiroshima was one of the most destructible atomic bombings in our history, killing more than 70,000 people.
Hiroshima was caused because the Japanese bombed American soil, Pearl Harbor. A little more than 1000 casualties took place along with all but the three ships that sunk. Because of this, we bombed their soil, Hiroshima, on August 6, 1945. The 70,000 people that were involved in these deaths were either killed because of the bomb (Little Boy), or because of the radiation and disease. The United States wanted the Japanese to surrender as …show more content…

We bombed Nagasaki because they didn’t want to surrender after the first one. 39,000-80,000 casualties happened during this event. The bomb (Fat Man), caused radiation throughout decades continuing to cause injury to several people during these years. Soon after, the Japanese surrendered because they feared that we had the power to drop another bomb. We, as Americans, won the war against Japan.
The aftermath of these events were tragic for the Japanese. Hiroshima later became a military center for better defense because they were scared that they were going to get bombed again. The blast from Hiroshima destroyed over 4 sq mi. (60%). Over ¾ of their buildings were destroyed, but the A-Bomb Dome survived the blast. The radiation continued to poison the people throughout decades.
Hiroshima, one of the most destructible bombings in our knowledge, will always be in mind. Killing over 100,000 people joining Hiroshima and Nagasaki together, and destroying several important structures. Because of the Pearl Harbor bombing and Hiroshima, WWII came into our presence. We will always have that image of the boats sinking and the bomb in the air, but we will never forget what happened during the years of

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