How Did Ezra Pound Collaborated With The Nazi Regime?

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Propagandist Ezra Pound actively supported the ideologies of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler during World War II. How was the case of this influential scholar different from other traitors who collaborated with the Nazi Regime? This is the central question for my research paper based on the research I have collected thus far. By studying how the life of Ezra Pound fits into the historiographical sequence of research I have gathered, it has become clearer that he was controversial later on because of his political views rather than for his writing. From the comments and critiques of his peers, one might say that Ezra Pound was a genius in his own right, and that his work played a large role in shaping contemporary poetry. After the war, when …show more content…

These are the roots of the first problem I will address. As a radio broadcaster for Rome Radio in Italy during the war, Pound pushed his political agenda and discussed his disgust with Britain after the Great War. Some historians and critiques argue that Pound had inadequate funds when he first settled in Italy and that he took the job at Rome Radio as a source of income, whereas others argue that he took the position to encourage the spread of Nazi and fascist views and actions. Through studying the historiography and transcripts of Pound’s broadcasts, I will answer the question of his political agenda and the accusations of his collaborative actions.
What did people think of Pound’s support of Nazism and fascism and how did it impact their perception of who he was? Looking into the pre- and post-war opinions of critiques regarding Ezra Pound and his work to determine how his acts of collaboration changed the way that people thought and wrote about him. Additionally, studying the ways in which scholars’ perceptions of Ezra Pound have changed as time has passed. Has his literary influence changed the way scholars and critiques analyze his actions during the

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