How Did Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Work On Gender Inequality

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Week 8: Respond to and evaluate this famous quote by Gilman in "Women and Economics": "The labor of women in the house certainly enables men to produce more wealth than they otherwise could, and in this way, women are economic factors in society." But so are the horses. The labor of horses enables men to produce more wealth than they otherwise could. The horse is an economic factor in society. But the horse is not economically independent, nor is the woman." In Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s remarkable career, one of the most essential concepts related to today’s modern world is her work on gender inequality. In many of her works, she describes how women are forced to depend on men to care for them, and their worries are based on whatever makes …show more content…

By locking her away, she drove to even more madness, ripping wallpaper off the walls and causing hallucinations. In another of her essential theoretical pieces, Women and Economics, published in 1898, Gilman uses it to force women to advocate for their rights, stop being comfortable with the existing social norms, and take back what was rightfully theirs in the beginning. In this memo, I will delineate one of Perkins’s famous quotes concerning today's world and women’s rights. In her manuscript, one of the primary vital parts that she highlights is the economic dependence of women on men, considering how “The assumption was that the family functioned best if the male head of the household controlled all of its assets; thus, upon marriage, all of the wife’s assets (if she had any) became those of her husband, under whose wing and protection she performs everything” (pg. 1). 236). The syllables are. Gilman continues her thoughts on the division of labor and social and legal reform surrounding the idea that women are purely good for domestic work while men get to the dirty, heavy-duty

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