How Did Catherine The Great Seek To Modernize Russia

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Russia has always been a country of deeply ingrained tradition and orthodoxy. While many countries in Europe changed over time with the advances of science and technology, Russia has remained behind the rest of the continent for most of history. Russia was always less advanced than Western Europe because of its isolationist policies and the xenophobic attitudes of its rulers. This resistance to change caused Russia a lot of problems over time. While most Russian rulers maintained the state’s isolationist policies, Russia also saw several rulers who looked westward and attempted to modernize their country up to the standards of the rest of Europe. These leaders attempted to improve their country with a series of reforms in an effort called westernization. …show more content…

First, Catherine made social reforms. She endeavored during her rule to continue Peter the Great’s effort to bring the culture Western Europe to Russia. In order to do this, she brought Western architects, sculptors, musicians, and scholars to live and work in Russia. She also was a major benefactor of the arts, buying Western art and patronizing artists (McKay et al. 512). In this way, Catherine integrated Western European thought and culture into Russian society. Catherine the Great also made changes to help develop Russia’s economy. In 1765 she founded the Free Economic Society to promote the modernization of agriculture and industry. She also convinced foreign countries to invest in economically underdeveloped areas of Russia. Using these methods, the lagging economy of Russia slowly began to grow. Finally, Catherine made substantial progress in military reforms with the resumption of Russia’s territorial expansion. She was extremely successful in this area, gaining huge tracts of land and winning two wars against the Ottoman Empire (Rivera and Dasne). Catherine also won many victories against the Turks and gained land in deals made with Prussia to maintain the balance of power (McKay et al. 512). Through territorial expansion, Catherine the Great asserted Russia’s power as a dominant military …show more content…

Peter the Great was successful in beginning the process of westernization. He was also successful in preparing Russia for becoming a central power in European affairs in the coming centuries by constructing a powerful standing army. He was not as successful in bringing western culture and traditions to Russia as most of his people opposed his changes. Catherine the Great was successful in almost all of her endeavors as she effectively brought a lot of Western influence into Russia’s culture, revitalized Russia’s economy, and also expanded Russia’s borders. From these results, it can be said that Catherine the Great not only achieved Peter the Great’s goal of pushing Russia into the modern world, but also established it as one of the most prominent countries in

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