How Depression Affects The Community Essay

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Focus Question 3: How does depression affect the community or society surrounding the sufferers? As depression is a very common disorder, it clearly has a major impact on not only the patients, but on their families and social community. Patients who are depressed, typically become more withdrawn, they do not want to go out, they find it hard to make decisions, and on some occasions, they become more empathetic to others. These factors have a detrimental effect on their families and others around them. By being completely withdrawn from social interactions and events, overtime this creates social isolation. Social isolation is when one spends an excessive amount of time alone, not talking to others, socialising with friends or extended family and avoiding contact with others as best as they can. Social isolation can worsen a person’s feelings of shame, low self-worth and loneliness. It is a common symptom and feature of depression. …show more content…

Whether it is the thought of being far away from people in urban areas or not feeling a part of a community. Living in a rural area, there is a large spread of community spirit. People tend to know one another and it is common to say hello and be friendly when down the street or at community event. As an individual begins to suffer from depression, in many community’s people notice and are affected by it. From family members to friends, to work colleagues. Depression affects family members severely, in a number of ways. One being the irritability of the one suffering from depression shows in the simplest situations, whether that’s a small mistake made by a child or a misinterpreted discussion with a partner. Along with the constant negative thoughts from the sufferer, it leaves no positive influence on the partner, children or other family

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