How Creativity Became Institutionalized?

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The cognitive process of creativity has become nearly an essential skill in everyone’s life within last decade. We may argue whether the creative thinking has been in the center of development throughout history but for some reason, our society publicly craves for it more than ever before. Ken Robinson’s TED Talk “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” (Robinson, 2006) has more than 13 million viewers. Tony Blair claimed in 1999 that “the 21st Century will be dominated by the exploitation of creative minds”(Fletcher, 1999). There are many players on the field of creativity, starting with its individual advocates, such as “creativity experts”, companies who stand upon ideas, universities, especially graduate business schools, who have started to “teach” creativity and governments who have come up with escalating amount of initiatives to support this cause. In this paper, the question, why has creativity become in the center of the economic debate recently, will be seek for answer. As it has been a global process, I will focus on the European case and try to frame the developments on that conti-nent.
The reason why I am discussing it in terms of psychological issue in Society is that creativity is a non-linear thought-process of mind that we are now trying to systematize. (Prior, 2009) After all, it is about individual people using their brain in a way that would result in inno-vation, this might lead to re-organization of our working and living habits, because creativity requires different settings and stimuli than productivity, that has been in the center of our thinking since the industrial age. I recognize, that in this instance, I am not exploring a prob-lem as such, but rather an process where one particular cognitive skill has been rai...

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Robinson, K. (2005). Creativity in the Classroom, Innovation in the Workplace. Principal Voices. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from
Robinson, K. (2006). Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from
The Need for New Thinking. (n.d.).World Centre for New Thinking. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Innovation system. Wikipedia. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from
World-Information.Org. (2002). Creative Industries vs. Creative Commons. World-Information.Org. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from

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