How Christians Interpret And Celebrate The Last Supper Today

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How Christians Interpret And Celebrate The Last Supper Today Holy Communion is very important in Christian worship. This is the occasion on which the priest distributes bread and wine. This is one is of the seven Sacraments. A Sacrament is a physical act with a spiritual meaning. It takes the form of a ceremony intended to reveal and to give a greater sense of closeness to God. The spiritual meaning of Holy Communion is togetherness with God and each other. During Holy Communion the priest takes the bread and wine, gives thanks to God, breaks the bread and then gives them to the worshipers. This is known as the Fourfold Eucharistic actions. Eucharist means thanksgiving. So the Eucharist or Holy Communion exists for Christians to be thankful to God for his Son, Jesus saved men from sin by giving himself as a sacrifice on the cross. The breaking of the bread symbolises the breaking of Jesus' body on the cross and the wine represents the blood shed by Jesus on the Cross. The bread and wine not only remind Christians of Jesus' death, but also of his resurrection. Bread can represent life as it is the basic food and wine can symbolise joy. This meal stems from the Last Supper, which was the last meal that Jesus had with his disciples at Passover before his crucifixion. Mark's Gospel records 'While they were eating, Jesus took a piece of bread, gave a prayer of thanks, broke it and gave it to his disciples. "Take it," he said, "this is my body." Then he took a cup, gave thanks to God, and handed it to them; and they all drank from it. Jesus said, "This is my blood which is poured out for many…." (Mark 14:22). These lines have ch... ... middle of paper ... ..., and chalices - a special wine cup). There are decorative cloths over the altar. Non-Conformist Churches have simple services with a table instead of an altar and there are no special robes or containers for the elements. Methodist Churches tend to hold Communion once or twice a month. Catholic Churches hold Communion once a week. Anglican churches celebrate Holy Communion once a week. Jesus' action in the Last Supper and on the Cross reveals a truth. Any truth about God is eternal. Therefore what Jesus did on the Cross (and at the Last Supper) is something that is always true of God: He sacrifices Himself for His creation. So through the Eucharist, the sacrifice of Jesus is made present to the worshiper, in other words the worshiper is present at the eternal sacrifice of Jesus. This is called Anamnesis.

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