How Beowulf Is A Hero

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Beowulf has epitomized what being a hero looks like for hundreds of years. Beowulf is a hero because he's brave, caring, and inspirational. He's brave because he encounters many beasts that no other man has been able to kill. He's caring because he helps his neighbors in Denmark without any obligation. He's inspirational because he inspires Wiglaf to help defeat the dragon and rule Gateland. Beowulf shows extraordinary bravery throughout the poem. He challenges an evil beast, Grendel, that no man has been able to defeat. Beowulf says, “No skill is his to strike against me/my shield to hew though he hardy be bold in battle; we both, this night, shall spurn the sword/if he seek me here, unweaponed, for war” (Beowulf). He boldly challenges Grendel to done what no man has before, …show more content…

This is what makes Beowulf a hero. Not only does he challenge what is so undoubtedly evil, he does what no other man has done; something only a hero can boast. Beowulf also helps those in need. His caring nature shows Beowulf is a true hero. Beowulf volunteers to help his Danish neighbors rid themself of Grendel. Even after the job is done, and Grendel’s mother comes back for revenge, without second thought, Beowulf goes to kill her. After discovering Grendel’s mother’s revenge, Beowulf says,”Ride we anon/and mark the trail of the mother of Grendel./ No harbor shall hide her — heed my promise!” (Beowulf). Beowulf just does the right thing, no questions asked. This character trait of his makes him an unquestionable hero. Finally, Beowulf is inspirational. Heroes inspiring others do heroic things is part of being a hero. Beowulf inspires young Wiglaf at the ending of his life to cary on the hero title. After Beowulf’s passing Wiglaf spoke of him highly, “Of men was he/worthiest warrior wide earth o’er/the while he had joy of his jewels

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