Beer's Surprising Role in Civilization's Progress

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Throughout the study of how beer changed civilization, I have come to realized the way “A History Of The World In 6 Glasses” explains the founding of beer and the positive impact it has left on the beginnings of civilization very accurately. Beer truly has impacted civilization due to the many positive opportunities beer has led society to. The alcoholic beverage surprisingly was the reason mathematics was invented. The farmers would have to calculate who’s crop land was who’s, so the required measuring and diving up land. It is hard to believe that a very common beverage that is served at every restaurant basically led to the invention of mathematics. Now a days mathematics is used on a day to day basis for almost every human being. After extensive research it is safe to say the the founding …show more content…

Beer started out as an accidentally formed liquid that tasted good to the people, therefor that soon led to that liquid being used as a from of currency. The beer was then used to pay slaves, tradesmen, priests, and public officials. A lot of these people would do a days work in return for a jug or two of beer and a loaf or two of bread. This is truly amazing how something accidentally invented could become something so useful that people will work a full days work just to be pays in the alcoholic beverage. Before Facebook, Twitter, and the Internet there was the tavern. It was the hub for communication, many people spent their time at the tavern exchanging information connection many colonies into a nation. In good time beer later inspired one of the greatest events in human history, the American Revolution. Taverns became the central location where revolutionary activity was debated, discussed, plotted and planed. It is fitting that the national anthem was borrowed from an 18th century drinking song. Back then it was a sobriety test, if you could sing the song then you were okay for another

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