Houthi Movement in Yemen

1544 Words4 Pages

Houthi Movement in Yemen

Yahya al-Houthi, brother of rebel leader Abdulmalik al-Houthi stated, “We are not anti-American per se. Rest assured that we do not have any issues with the American people, but we disapprove of some of their government’s foreign policy in the Middle East. Like many people in the Middle East of all faiths, we were opposed to the US led invasion of Iraq and the subsequent killing of civilians” (Novack, 2009). The Houthis’ goals in their revolution are inherently religious, not political, focused mainly on combating the rising Salafi presence in the Northern Province of Yemen. The conflict has been ongoing since the 1990s and continues to threaten the stability of Yemen, causing periods of extremely violent clashes with the government. The Houthis are not trying to secede from Yemen. They are not at war with the American people, they are pushing back against western policy in Yemen, while also fighting for their religious beliefs to be recognized. The Houthis maintain that their goal is not to secede or overthrow the country; however, they are destabilizing the Yemeni government by stretching it thin, and forcing Yemen to fight multiple problems across the country. If left unresolved, the current state of the Houthi movement will destabilize Yemen and potentially draw in more support from other countries, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, which could evolve into a deadly conflict if a peaceful resolution cannot not be reached.

This paper will discuss the history of the Houthis and the Yemeni government, the regional instability it causes and implications to the United States. This paper will also discuss consequences that will ensue if these issues continue to go unresolved and there is increas...

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Novack, J. (2009, September 3). Armies of Liberation. Retrieved from Armies of Liberation: http://armiesofliberation.com/archives/2009/09/03/houthis-tell-captured-soldiers-the-real-enemy-is-the-us-and-western-troops/

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